
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
Language(s): C#
Dimenions: 3D
Rendering: Managed Direct3d (through the Sapphire engine)
Input: Managed DirectInput
Sound: DirectSound
UI: Simple custom one
Well here's one for the Java camp.

Name:Not sure yet..
Genre: Strategy, puzzle.
Dimensions: 3D
Rendering: OpenGL, LWJGL
Sound: OpenAL
Graphics: Photoshop, Gimp, Max, blender and Milkshape.
Music: Synthesized Orchestra. various expensive software.
Sound: Various effect libraries
Snack: Fortified cereals and pie.
------ ----- ---- --- -- is searching for talented and friendly developers. Visit our Help Wanted post for more info!My Indie development uber Journal - A game production walk through.
Name: unknown
Genre: Trading sim
Language: Game Maker Language (gml, as last year's winner)
Dimension: mainly 2d, with possible 3d sections
Rendering: native (g3d)
Sound: native
Other: Probably not the most brilliant entry in graphics, but I'm going for gameplay and historical detail.
Name: Unholy: Demonologist
Language(s): C++, TorqueScript
Type: Third Person Survival Horror
Dimensions: 3D
Engine: Modified version of Torque Game Engine
Music: Cubase, Absynth, Reason, Battery, GPO
Graphics: 3DS Max (Models), GtkRadiant (interiors), Torque World Editor (outdoors)

[Edited by - paradoxnj on June 21, 2006 8:36:15 PM]
Anthony Rufrano
RealityFactory 2 Programmer
Oh, heck. I might as well give it a go

Name : Shank's Mare
Genre : RPG/trading sim
Dimensions : top-down 2d-ish
Language : Actionscript with XML data files
Graphics : Photoshop
UI : Flash
Sound : Dunno yet
Input : Keyboard and mouse
Haven't started yet, but:

Name: Someguy the Conquerer
Genre: Turn-Based Strategy
Dimensions: 2D
Language: C++
Rendering: SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: SDL_mixer
UI: Cheaply hacked together [smile]
-----------------------------Play Stompy's Revenge! Now!
Name: undetermined, something catchy and/or predictable.
Dimensions: undetermined.
Genre: undetermined.
Language: C++
Rendering: DirectX / DXUT
Sound: OpenAL
Input: DirectInput (keyboard & mouse; configurable).
UI: DXUT or other
Scripting: lua probably.
Networkable: yes
Programs: blender, photoshop, vs 2003.
Libraries:Xerces-c++, DirectX, OpenAL, boost.
Version Control: SVN / TortoiseSVN
Name: Beasts of Europe
Genre: RTS

Language: gml (GM6)
Dimenions: 3d
...: GM for probably everything, maybe a little fb to help speed things up.
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: SDL
UI: No idea yet... maybe homebrewed

Graphics: Gimp
Music: Not sure yet...
Sound Editing: Not sure yet...
Video Editing (if needed): Not sure yet...
Snacking: Pizza hut, subway, etc. =P I hope I get fat
slymrHopefully game is in progress.
Name: The Eiitian Conflit (Working title)

Language(s): C++ (Server-Side Code) and BASIC based language (Client)
Dimenions: 3D in realtime
Rendering: Direct3D 9.0c
Input: Managed DirectInput
Sound: Still deciding what is best
UI: Secret!!!
2D Graphics: Photoshop
3D Graphics: Blender

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