
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
Our team are still planning the storyline and everything in the game, we haven't even opened an ide yet. But nontheless, here's what it'll likely be:

Genre: Platformer/RPG-ish
Language: C# (Lua scripting, or C#)
Dimensions: 3
Rendering: Direct3D 9
Input: WinAPI
Sound: Probably FMOD or BASS, but maybe DSound.
UI: In house.

Art: Uhhhh.... whaaat?!
Music: Reason 3 (yay)
Snacking: Can't speak for the rest of the team, but I'll be on fruit and stuff. I'm training to do some new breakdancing moves [wink]
Ollie "It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." ~ James Thurber[ mdxinfo | An iridescent tentacle | Game design patterns ]
Name: Dolorosa (working name)
Genre: Strategy / RPG (inspired by King of Dragon Pass)
Language(s): Python
Dimensions: Plan is to make a quick 2D prototype and introduce some 3D elements gradually, purely for visual effects
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: Pygame
Sound: FMOD
UI: Homebrew

I'm using my game engine, Spineless, for the project.
Genre: Isometric aracade shooter Survival/Horror or platformer
Development: Gamemaker if I can get enough time: SDL/C++/OpenGL/fmod
Sound and music: Free?
Name: Angels 22 (with a long subtitle)
Genre: 2D Flight Action

Language: C++
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: GLFW
Sound: FMOD
UI: Rolling my own
Art: Prinz Eugn's mad skillz
My Current Project Angels 22 (4E5)
Language(s): C++
Dimenions: 3D, but with plenty of 2D billboards to fit the art style and reduce the load
Rendering: Direct3D
Input: DirectInput
Sound: FMod
UI: As of now, my own. Anybody got any suggestions for a good, free, customizable Direct3D UI? (Is CEGUI easy to use?)
Snacking: Whatever I can get my hands on. Probably dry bread and ramen noodles, and the occasional post-midnight fast food run.
Name: something related to food
Genre: something related to food

Language: Actionscript
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering/Input/Sound: Flash
Snacking: something related to food
Name: I don't know yet
Genre: Tactical Espionage Action

Language: C++
Dimensions: 3D
Rendering: Irrlicht
Input: Irrlicht
Sound: FMOD
UI: Irrlicht
Name: Alien Chemical Experiment
Genre: Tycoon cross tamagochi cross puzzle hybrid
Dimensions: 2D
Language: C plus plus
Engine: HGE + CEGUI
Art and Sound: Really not too sure yet
[size="1"] [size="4"]:: SHMUP-DEV ::
Some quick numbers (yes I know they don't add up, some people where not sure)
CodeC#       6  C++      21 Flash    2  Assembly 1  Java     1  Python   2  RenderingDirectX  9  OpenGL   10 SDL      2  Ogre     2  Other    5  

Name: DracoHarvest
Genre: Action/Farming/Intense Bazaar scene

Language: C++
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: Win32
Input: Win32
Sound: OpenAL
UI: Homebrew

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