
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
I'm still working out the details and gameplay elements, but here are the technical things I'll be using:

Language(s): C# and Boo for scripting
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: BooGame (OpenGL)
Input: BooGame (FreeGLUT)
Sound: BooGame (FMOD Ex)
UI: Not entirely sure yet...
Rob Loach [Website] [Projects] [Contact]
Name: London: 3101
Genre: Noir Sci-fi Horror FPS Adventure (LOL look at all those adjectives)

Language: C++
Dimensions: Full 3D, 6 DoF is planned for some parts
Rendering: OGRE
Sound: FMOD
Physics: ODE
Scripting: We'll see...
Name: The Smiley Wars (European Edition)
Language: Java
Graphics: 2D
Genre: Turn Based Strategy
UI: Homegrown
Number of players: 1-3
Class of game: hotseat configured application
Name: Not sure yet
Genre: Turn Based Strategy (noone makes these any more!)
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: Mainly 2D but possibly with some 3D elements here and there
Rendering: Direct3D9/D3DX9
Input: DirectInput
Sound: DirectSound most likely
UI: Most likely homegrown, may look at other libs though

Graphics: MSPaint for development graphics, Photoshop for final graphics
Modeling: A free one that exports to an easily usable format? Heh..
Music: Free or possibly get my sister to make me some midi loops on her keyboard!
Sound Editing: Not sure yet
Video Editing (if needed): Not sure yet
Snacking: Southern Fried Chicken, Pizza, Chippy Chips all from the nearby junk food outlets!
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
Name: (Working Title ) Samuri Octivate Colonies Conspiosly Every Remembrence or SOCCER for short.
Genre: Unkown
Language(s): C*
Dimensions: >1 & <4
Snacking: Cookie Dough.

Ok, admititly I havn't put much though it to this yet.
Just me
Name: RadTV Presents EuroTrip
Language: C#
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: Either OpenGL or GDI
Input: plain windows input.
Sound: Unknown
UI: Unknown possibly standard windows ui
Assuming I find time to write an entry:

Name: Prevention & Cure (provisional)
Genre: RPG
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 3D dimetric/trimetric projection
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: Win32
Sound: Hopefully
UI: Homebrew

Graphics: Hopefully
Modeling: Hopefully
Music: Hopefully
Sound Editing: Hopefully
Video Editing (if needed): Not needed
Snacking: TBD

Probably this is too ambitious and I have to come up with a new plan soon ...
but here is what I have in mind now:

Name: I.F.F.O (Independent Force For Order) *
Genre: "UFO (allusion in title) - Enemy Unknown"-esque ... with FPS elements
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 2D (global) and 3D ("field trips")
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: Win32 API
Sound: Audiere (2d sound only)
UI: Homebrew, too

Graphics: GIMP
Modeling: Blender
Music: I hope my brother produces something cool ... Line 6 - TonePort (afaik)
Sound Editing: Sound samples will be a huge problem

Snacking: Soup ... with lots of pasta for the calories. Probably some bananas.

* unfortunately this is the result of a google-search:
International Fishmeal and Fish Oil Organisation
So maybe I'll call it G.O.F instead (German Order Force) **

** ... crap: Goblet Of Fire (I think coming up with a name is a huge problem, too)
Given enough eyeballs, all mysteries are shallow.


Name: To Be Announced(No Idea)
Genre: To Be Announced(No Earthly Idea)
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: Game could be isometric-style 3D, with a 2D stuff.
Rendering: Direct3D9/D3DX9
Input: DirectInput
Sound: DirectSound
UI: A state of the touch-sensitive screen(IE: No Idea, probably D3D9 stuff)

Graphics: MSPaint, The GIMP, Blender(possibly)
Modelling: Blender
Music: Probably whatever's playing on your media player at time of play.
Video Editing: Video Editing? What's that?
Snacking: Pizza, junk food and other stuff not wholly good for you.

Resolution: 1024x768
Colours: 2^24 great smelling colours

Game Slogan: 'Finally a game for programmers!' [smile]
Quote: UI: Homebrew, since I couldn't find anything acceptable for MDX/C#

What's wrong with the UI included with DXUT? It even does correct international text input, which most other UIs don't do.
enum Bool { True, False, FileNotFound };

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