
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
Name: Unknown yet (Codename: Our 4E5 Entry)
Genre: 2D Action

Language(s): C#
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: FlatRedBall
Input: FlatRedBall
Sound: Undecided
UI: FlatRedBall

Graphics: Pencil->Scanner->Photoshop and maybe some 3D Max renders for loading screens and similar
Sound/Music: Possibly a Bulgarian industrial band and/or a friend's leet FruityLoops skills
Video Editting: VirtualDub/Windows Movie Maker/Vegas
Snacking: Junk food and lotsa beer
Name: Cogs of Conflict: Klaxon
Genre: Blatent rip-off of Gears of War (3rd person shooter)

Language(s): C++
Dimensions: All 3D, all the time
Rendering: openGL
Input: SDL maybe perhaps?
Sound: OpenAL
UI: Probably homebrew
Graphics: Photoshop
Modeling: 3D Studio Max 7
Music: Me + Frooty Loops = COMEDY GOLD
Sound Editing: Audacity
Video Editing: I dunno, but theres a Dr Health Kit ad that I'm making in flash
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
name: undecided
Genre: Top-Down RPG/Shooter(elements from both)
Engine: Torque game builder
Dimensions: 2D
Languages: Torque Script
Graphics Editor: or the GIMP
Sound Editor: to be choosen.
Well, if I'll have the time, I will try to create something like this:

Name: N.I. (abbreviation for No Idea)
Genre: Side-scroller shooter
Language(s): Java
Dimensions: 2, at most
Rendering: LWJGL (OpenGL)
Sound: LWJGL (OpenAL)
Input: LWJGL
UI: either crappy homebrew, or crappy swing

Graphics: Gimp, Inkscape, and whatever free stuff I can download :)
Modeling: none
Music: none, unless I can find something for free
Sound Editing: Not sure yet
Video Editing (if needed): none

[EDIT: I'm also contemplating the idea of a RTS. I think I would be walking on thin ice with the emotion element otherwise. The technical specs stay the same though. :)]

[Edited by - milesz on June 8, 2006 7:23:40 AM]
Name: Nightmare
Genre: First-Person Maze/Adventure
Language(s): VB.Net!
Dimensions: 3D
Rendering: Irrlicht.Net
Input: Irrlicht.Net
Sound: Homebrew Based Off DX
UI: Irrlicht.Net
Graphics: DeleD and AC3D and Photoshop
Sound/Music: Whatever i can get my hands on.
Video Editting: Windows Movie Maker
Snacking: Pepsi-One and Icecream!
Name: Ghost Boy
Genre: 2D Side Scroller Shooter
Language: C++
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: SDL
Input: SDL or maybe my own library I am making
Sound: SDL_Mixer
UI: Ehh...not sure right now

Name: No Idea :)
Genre: 2D Isometric something
Language: Delphi
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: SDL and OpenGL
Input: SDL
Sound: SDL_Mixer
UI: S2DLGui - My own unreleased GUI for SDL

Name: No Idea2 :)
Genre: Top down something
Language: haXe
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: Flash

Two possible projects there. If I do the haXe project it will be something relativly simple.
Not sure if i'll have enough time to enter...

Language(s): C++ (but not object oriented so it's more like C)
Dimenions: 2D
Rendering: OpenGL through SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: SDL_Mixer
Genre: Sidescroller (but not at all like mario)
Name: CatMan
Graphics: Gimp and Paint Shop Pro Pixel Art
Music: Royalty Free Music I got for $1.50! (after I consult my legal ninjas)
Sound: Whatever weird noises I can shout into the mic.
Snack: Green Mush (mom calls it soup)
Language(s): C++/Lua
Dimenions: Restricted 3d
Rendering: OpenGL via SDL
Input: SDL
Sound: OpenAL
UI: Homebrew, TinyXML.
Name: Operation Unthinkable
Genre: Strategy / RPG Mecha action
Language(s): C++
Rendering: Direct3D
Input: GDI
Sound: Undecided
UI: Custom

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