
4E5 Technology

Started by June 05, 2006 12:04 PM
75 comments, last by XDigital 17 years, 10 months ago
Name: undecided
Genre: sRPG (strategy RPG)
Language: C++
Dimensions: 3D, but probably only top-down view
Rendering: daedalus (own engine) using OpenGL on PC and DS api on DS
Input: daedalus
Sound: probably FMOD
UI: daedalus
Graphics: 3D vertex animated characters, plus polysoup for terrain. Need to find artist
Music: no idea yet

[Edited by - rick_appleton on June 17, 2006 1:41:27 PM]
Not much is set in stone:
Name: The Ruins of Falkenstein maybe?
Genre: Defensive rts type thing
Language: C++
Dimensions: 3D
Rendering: OpenGL
Input: Direct input
Sound: OpenAL + ogg vorbis
UI: Undecided

Graphics: Photoshop
Modeling: Blender
Music: No idea
Sound Editing: No idea
Snacking: Whatever I can get my hands on.
___________________________________________________David OlsenIf I've helped you, please vote for PigeonGrape!
Name: Project Asrion (unnamed ATM)
Genre: ?
Language: C++
Dimensions: 2D
Rendering: DragonForge Technology (Direct3D); HLSL
Input: DragonForge Technology (DirectInput) and possibly XInput
Sound: DragonForge Technology (ogg-vorbis)*
UI: game specific; custom
Scripting: LUA; possibly custom

Graphics: MSPaint, Photoshop Elements 3.0, & Macromedia Fireworks
Modeling: none
Music: Possibly a friends
Sound Editing: ?
Video Editing (if needed): ?
Snacking: Tuna, chicken, cereal (yes, those are snacks)

(*Sound will only be included if I can fix my audio playback.)
Name: Undecided
Genre: Action RPG
Language: GML
Dimensions: 2D
Everything else: Game Maker
Quote: Original post by CTar
Name: Liberation, or perhaps Liberation of Europe
Genre: RTS
Language: C++
Dimensions: 3D, but with restrictions to camera movement
Rendering: Nebula Device 2 (Direct3D)
Input: Nebula Device 2 (DirectInput)
Sound: Nebula Device 2 (ogg-vorbis)
UI: Nebula Device 2 (CEGUI)

(With Nebula Device 2 I might also use Mangalore, the game framework for Nebula)

EDIT: Well, I guess I'll also fill out the one provided by Avatar.
Graphics: Procedurally generated, Photoshop (for clothes)
Modeling: Procedurally generated
Music: None, unless I find some free music I can use
Sound Editing: No idea yet
Video Editing (if needed): Homebrew
Snacking: N/A (diet)

Language: Ruby
Genre: RPG
Dimensions: 2D
Graphics: Photoshop
Name: Götterdämmerung
Genre: Diablo like action RPG
Language(s): C++
Dimensions: 3D
Rendering: OpenGL
Sound: tbd
Graphics: Paintshop Pro, Milkshape, Selfmade Meshgenerator
Music: tbd
Sound: tbd
UI: selfmade
Scripting: rand()%100, m*xpp+d*xp+k*x=f(t), sin, cos, perlin noise

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