
Looking to learn without formal education!

Started by February 18, 2020 01:00 AM
23 comments, last by NikiTo 4 years, 7 months ago

Hi, there! I'm just starting to dip my toes into the idea of game development. I haven't a clue about programming, but I can draw, write, and do a couple voices here and there, plus I have a few game ideas and stories I'd like to make. I'd like to know what I should research, experiment with, or learn in order to take steps towards this. I'm aware that this can and likely will take a huge amount of my time, years even, but that's not a concern. I just want to make it happen! I've done a little research already, so I may already have an idea, but I'm here for advice! Thank you in advance for your time and response! Also, perhaps you could better define the role I'm trying to go for!

Chrome, you didn't say what the goal is. Are you looking for a career in game development, or are you looking to make a game, maybe as a hobby? Those are two different paths.

-- Tom Sloper --


If you looking for a career in game development use Unity, Godot, Unreal Engine, CryEngine, Game Maker, Panda3D, Phaser, Babylon.js and so on.

If you looking to make a game like a hobby like me for studying math (Linear Algebra, Geometry, game Physics, Math of shaders, multiplayer/cooperative and so on) write your own little games (like Pong, Snake, Breakout, Tetris, Pac-Man, and so on) and little game engines in pure OpenGL, WebGL, DirectX, Metal, Vulkan. For example you can start here: or/and here WebGL Programming Guide

  • 2004 - 04 - Math and Physics for Game Programmers - Wendy Stahler - 504 pages: Amazon
  • 2011 - 06 - Mathematics for 3D Game Programming and Computer Graphics - 3rd Edition - Eric Lengyel - 624 pages: Amazon Code:
  • 2011 - 11 - 3D Math Primer for Graphics and Game Development - F. Dunn, I. Parberry - 846 pages: Amazon
  • 2015 - 08 - Essential Mathematics for Games and Interactive Applications - 3rd Edition - James M. Van Verth, Lars M. Bishop - 624 pages: Amazon Code:
  • 2013 - 12 - Mathematics for Computer Graphics - 4th Edition - John Vince - 412 pages: Amazon

How to write a game server from scratch: How to publish your server on free Heroku hosing:

Getting Started on Heroku with Node.js | Heroku Dev Center

A step-by-step guide for deploying your first Node app and mastering the basics of Heroku.

Thinking about it, there are so many departments in game development. So which one do you want to go for? Graphics, Audio, Physics, Mechanics? Or you're just looking to start out as a lone developer so you can learn some of the basics of game development and maybe make some games yourself?

@undefined Kinda both, lol. I'm trying to learn what it takes to make games so I can best express the stories I wish to share, but I want to eventually consider making a career of it if I manage to get enough experience or success. I'd like a career, but not yet. Perhaps I should learn how to make a product before I learn how to sell it.

@undefined I wanted to know where to start as far as learning in general, so I suppose learning both small and large engines might help, plus I get to experiment! @undefined I'm wanting to do the latter, nothing specific yet. I feel finding out what I'm best suited for, honing that, and working on what I'm bad at (gonna have to work on my math, for sure) might be the best way to do it. The best option would be being able to work with people to help make my ideas come true, but I'd want to be able to put whatever work I can myself while making sure we reach our deadline.


chromescythe said:
I wanted to know where to start as far as learning in general, so I suppose learning both small and large engines might help, plus I get to experiment!

This website contains nice free tutorials for start:

@chromescythe I think the best approach is to know what you want first then figure out what you need to get there. For example i want to become a games designer foremost, but found that it's not the kind of job you can get straight away. So i started learning C++ within the Unreal Engine and am about 6months in that. I want to make a triple AAA styled game, meaning 3rd person or first person with lots of detail. I sometimes get overwhelmed with how much work i have to get through and i'm just talking about code. I found that game devs online are really helpful and are very kind people. I want my Game to look fantastic so i have to use Unreal Or Crytek, but Unreal Has more resources and some of my most favorite games were made with Unreal, like gears of war, and unreal tournament. I don't recommend doing what i am doing which is working mostly solo on a AAA project hahaha. But i have time and passion.

If say you wanted to just make games because you want to express story from your writing, maybe start with a 2D side scroller or platform game with lots of story. I recommend figuring out

1st: What you want to do,

2nd: What you want in the future, ie become a programmer or character artist so on

3rd: Be prepared to make sacrifices, i think if you want to be taken seriously in the games industry you have to develope an impressive portfolio. It's one thing to make games, it's a whole other thing to make great games.

please be sure to leave a like for me ? helps with reputation on this site. Thankyou.

@chromescythe I just wanted to add if you wish to start out with learning C++ and the Unreal engine i can point you in the right direction and speed track your development.

Personally I would start small.

First, define the first game you want to work with, something that makes you want to built it.

Then, define if it's 2D or 3D. No matter if you can achieve this game, it will be at least a great learning experience : )

I would personally recommend to use Unity if you don't know what you're going to make between 2D or 3D. You can use Unreal Engine but it's lacking in the 2D department, so learning to use Unity will let you swap between 2D and 3D more easily and it's a really great game engine. Both engines are free to use, at least when learning.

When you have made your choice, simply ask google.

For exemple, if I didn't know anything and wanted to work on Unity, I think I would start by reading a tutorial on the type of game that would interest me.

For Unity (Sorry, I'll just talk about this one because my journey took me there and I actually can give some exemples) I would search and find :

For 3D and Unity in general :

and for 2D :

I really like Brackeys I couldn't recommend him more.

When you're done with this tutorials, his youtube channel has tons of tutorials for everything a game needs. By watching them you would slowly learn how programming works and you would quickly have results, which are great for encouraging oneself.

When you dive a bit further into code, I would recommend Jason Weimann's Youtube Channel, which is filled with very valuable informations and practices about Unity and Programming principles applying to Unity or C#.

Each video of him I watch, the better programmer I become.

Have fun on your journey !


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