
[4e5] Graphics card, What are you using?

Started by July 13, 2006 05:09 AM
46 comments, last by liquidAir 18 years ago
Quote: Original post by Moe
Wow, this is interesting. I wouldn't have imagined anyone actually underclocking thier system to match the contest specs...

Maybe this year we won't get any entries that take anything short of a a super computer to run...

The curse of having a 3.6GHz processor :P

MY system is somewhat above the contest system specs, so I wanted to make sure I'd be able to get an accurate idea of how it'd run.
With love, AnonymousPosterChild
right now i'm building on my geforce4 mx440, but it is quite limited in what it can do overall, so i'm upgrading to an ati x1600pro.

anyone know where i can find the spec details for the 5900 (like what ogl extensions it supports)? thanks!
Geforce 7800 GTX, but I'm regularly checking my entry on a friend's computer which has a Radeon 9600 every time I add something major.
Quote: Original post by supercat1
right now i'm building on my geforce4 mx440, but it is quite limited in what it can do overall, so i'm upgrading to an ati x1600pro.

anyone know where i can find the spec details for the 5900 (like what ogl extensions it supports)? thanks!

I'd say it support pretty much anything. My 5200 does.

If you want more details, download this: It's been really helpful for me.
I use an ATI Radeon X1900 XTX.
GeForce FX 5700 256mb
I'm using a GeForce 4 MX, which is worse than a GeForce 2.
It's really annoying, because I can't even play my own game at full speed (20 FPS max). It makes developing it so difficult.
Geforce MX 4000. I haven't tried it with advanced stuff yet but if I get it running on my card it will run like a dream on the testing rig.
Integrated graphics card FTW!

I think we can all safely bet our lives on, that if a game can run on my computer, it can run on any other computer.

(Also hence why I'm making a textual combat game, although I lack the skill of anything else)
My primary GPU is a GF2MX. My secondary GPU (dual monitors) is a TNT2 - do I win a prize?

I do have some cheap GF6 on another PC - Maybe the 6200A? Or 6230, no wait that's my Nokia mobile phone!

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