
Game Motivation

Started by January 27, 2002 07:34 PM
37 comments, last by Grellin 22 years, 6 months ago
Do you know of any more pics like that?

SDB - If you are the only one that can fix it, why are you complaining to me?
HOLY *$#% I HAVE NEVER BEEN SO #$&*(#& Scared in my Life WOW thats well, it gives one hella of a rush, *$%& thats the coolest thing I have ever seen. Its been almost 10 mins and im still shaking. This is what happened... I Saw it, My Reaction was to hit the back button on the mouse (I Have an Microsoft IntelliMouse Explorer one with a back button ON the mouse) Then I Jumped back Turned and ran all the way up stairs (LOL) and didn''t come back for about 8 mins (I Didn''t Remember hitting the back button, it was pure reaction) So I was afraid that it was still up... WOW I am gonna have to show this to my friends... lol
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! phew, scared the crap out of me! I'', still trying to catch my breath!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! phew, scared the crap out of me! I'', still trying to catch my breath!!!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! phew, scared the crap out of me! I'', still trying to catch my breath!!! I keep going back to do it again then i get scared and hit the "back" button... nice work!
lol that was good.
Alright, am I the only one who can''t see *anything* weird in this pic? And yes, I have been staring at it for more than 30 seconds, at 300% zoom...
It might be becuase you tried to enlarge it. Viewing enlarged in an image editing program can kill the effect. To get the best effect, wou really should be looking at in original size in your web browser.
Ron FrazierKronos Softwarewww.kronos-software.comMiko & Molly - Taking Puzzle Games to A Whole New Dimension
Okay it was creepy, but it isnt that scary. Dont have a heart attack people! That''s weird if you run upstairs after seeing that but if you are a kid I guess maybe I understand. (If you arent a kid and you ran away, I dont mean to offend you.) :D
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