
C# Programmer seeking Project

Started by October 05, 2018 09:10 PM
3 comments, last by Ahrakeen 5 years, 11 months ago

Hey all!

I thought I would lay my post out a little different just so you can skip to the main parts that you wish to see.

I Am:

CheekyTrooper / Jason (JSON)

Who Am I:

I am 25 years old, software developer working on websites currently (C#, T-SQL, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Angular, IIS) from England (for timezone purposes). 

What am I looking for:

I am seeking a individual / team to join so that I can expand my game programming skills further and make some cool stuff :). I don't really want a MMORPG to start working on, a small game would be better for myself. Motivators and encourages so we can push each other forwards.

Previous Experience:

I have created a zombie survival game in Game Maker, I have created a non-engine nodeJS html5 multiplayer chat node application (Little circles floating around with ability to chat).

Engines I Know:

I have previously used Unity, Game Maker, GoDot, and played around with code not in an engine.

Languages I Know:

C#, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, GML(Game Maker Language), T-SQL, Javascript.

How long can I dedicate to the project:

I work from 6am - 4pm, Monday - Friday. Saturday morning I take my daughter to gymnastics. Other than this i am pretty dedicated and determined to create something great!.

How to contact:

Please PM myself, or view my profile to see my Twitter or website to get hold of myself.


I look forward to hearing from you!

Take Care.


What you need most is a musician and a cartoonist. Everything else can be easily achieved by adding programmers.

2 minutes ago, ElMaquinola said:

What you need most is a musician and a cartoonist. Everything else can be easily achieved by adding programmers.

Why I tell you this. Because I am starting in game dev (I think you too) and have learnt that librarys like sfml let you make a plataformer in one afternoon by yourself. So, you would bee needing an artist more than a programmer.

If you use unity I'ts even less code. But harder to find someone who makes the 3d models.

I wish you luck!


If you are mostly interested in learning directly from the industry, and have enough passion then check these out:

Check out War to the Core the world domination space MOBA-RTS hybrid.
Join us on Discord.
Into sci-fi novels? Then check out Spectral Legends.

If looking for a project  i am working on a tactical roleplaying game.


Something akin to disgaea or fire emblem. with a 2.5d graphics


If interested in more information let me know

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