
Testers and graphic

Started by August 02, 2018 01:04 PM
0 comments, last by Okdude 6 years, 1 month ago


I've build a simple online internet game engine and I would like to get it tested and find a way to apply some graphic on top of my existing gui (well it is actually a testing page wrapped in bootstrap to work). For the second part i need some graphic designer (conntact on the main page) or pointers to some free graphic resources that can be of use or funds to hire externaly.

So anyone who can spare some time you can check the game at production server (connection is slow):

Do NOT provide email and wait for reply, the game mailer is disabled at this point and all accounts are enabled by default (also to debug game devs need to access database and they should not have acces to real info on users!). Any valid mail string will do. My email is on top of main page.

I'm highly intrested in correcting speeling errors since i do not speak english and feedback on gui (what shoud be described more etc.., mind that graphic design is yet to come). Also game sholud work on firefox and chrome, but will not on chromium, sorry. Other browser are still not tested so inforamtion on that topic are welcome.

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