
Where can I find the source code for "Programming a Multiplayer FPS in DirectX"?

Started by July 16, 2018 12:52 PM
45 comments, last by Rutin 6 years, 1 month ago
13 hours ago, rjhwinner03 said:

If I read this correctly, this website is a tutorial on how to make a game engine with DirectX 11?

No it's just a beginning DirectX tutorial.  Building a game engine is a major undertaking. However if you are using DirectX directly,  you have to build something.... graphics engine..... game engine....class library .... whatever you want to call it.  You need this just to organize your code, otherwise you will be quickly overwhelmed by the project. It doesn't have to be huge but you should have something to build around.

I may just quit trying to compile the source code and just use the code from Quake and just go from there.

1 minute ago, rjhwinner03 said:

I may just quit trying to compile the source code and just use the code from Quake and just go from there.

If you are gong to do that, why don't you just use  UE4 or Unity like everyone else?

I get the feeling you are tying to run before you can walk.  How long have you been programming? If you are going to write code using DirectX, you will have to take care of a lot of little details yourself.  There is no magic bullet. I've been programming for 35 years plus. I worked at intel for over 25 and still I'm a noob at "game programming" (but I guess I'm a pretty decent programmer).  IMO it's not a great idea to take some existing piece of code without really understanding what you are doing.  If you are working through a book with detailed explanations that's one thing, but without the understanding, you are headed for some tough times......In any case, good luck.

4 hours ago, rjhwinner03 said:

Bad news:

I used VC++ 6, and I plan to continue using it for this project...

Ah how nostalgic. I feel young seeing this name again. It must have been 20 years already....

I have learned a number of languages and libraries over the years.



Java Late 2014

Python Mid 2014

C++ Late 2015

HTML Mid 2017

Javascript Mid 2017



MS-DOS Graphics.h Early 2017

OpenGL (LWJGL) - Early 2016

OpenGL (C/C++) - Mid 2016

DirectX 12 - Late 2016 (Quit all projects and basically stopped using it)

DirectX 9 - Early 2017

DirectX 11 - Late 2017

DirectX 10 - Early 2018 (Quit all projects)

Nintendo 64 SDK - Mid 2018 (Deemed annoying due to the lack of a model loader... had to draw out data on a spreadsheet and it took too long)



I have been doing computer programming for 4 years and graphics programming for 2 years...



Here's the thing..... Learning languages doesn't mean that much.  I'm not saying anything about your abilities, I'm just pointing out that if you are having major problems getting stuff working, then perhaps there are some areas you need to improve upon.  The primary thing you need as a programmer is knowledge of algorithms and data structures.  THIS IS #1.  I've learned many langues over the years and I've forgotten half of them. I'm sure I'll never program in IBM 370 assembly language again in my entire life.

In any case beyond algorithms and data structures, there are debugging skills and in a broader sense that includes finding information on the internet on how to get your job done without running to forums and asking people to fix your problems constantly.  Yes forums are useful for certain things. They are great for discussing ideas and getting feedback, and sometimes people can point you in the right direction, but when it comes down to it you have to develop skills that let you solve your problems independently.

So again if you are going to take some old existing code you should at have a strong understand of how it works.  Otherwise it's going to be tough. However IMO it's much easier if you start from something basic, and build it up yourself to achieve your goal. You will learn a lot more. The fact that you have come here several times and asked the same basic question should tell you something.

1 hour ago, rjhwinner03 said:

I have learned a number of languages and libraries over the years.



Java Late 2014

Python Mid 2014

C++ Late 2015

HTML Mid 2017

Javascript Mid 2017



MS-DOS Graphics.h Early 2017

OpenGL (LWJGL) - Early 2016

OpenGL (C/C++) - Mid 2016

DirectX 12 - Late 2016 (Quit all projects and basically stopped using it)

DirectX 9 - Early 2017

DirectX 11 - Late 2017

DirectX 10 - Early 2018 (Quit all projects)

Nintendo 64 SDK - Mid 2018 (Deemed annoying due to the lack of a model loader... had to draw out data on a spreadsheet and it took too long)



I have been doing computer programming for 4 years and graphics programming for 2 years...


There is a big difference between "knowing" a language in the sense of how to create basic data types, control structures, classes, memory management, ect... and knowing how to put the pieces together and actually create solutions for your problems. Also, how are you defining "learned"...? People can throw around years, and how much they know all day, but if you cannot produce anything it means nothing. If you're not able to utilize the tools given to you, then having those tools (languages) is pointless.

The fact that you're unwilling to change from VC++ 6 to something more modern tells everyone that you're unwilling to do what is necessary to complete your objective: Making a Multiplayer FPS Game. Or is your objective to make a Multiplayer FPS Game using only DirectX 9 as some sort of challenge? I don't know...

As @Gnollrunner stated prior, there are other options: Unreal Engine 4, and Unity. If you're not at a level in which you can read API documentation to help create an engine using DirectX, maybe you're heading off the correct path here. Engine programming from the ground up isn't the same as picking up something like Unity and making your game.

What games have you made using the above languages and APIs you listed? I'm curious because doing such a project without any prior projects under your belt using that API really doesn't make sense, on-top of staying in the past.

13 hours ago, rjhwinner03 said:

I may just quit trying to compile the source code and just use the code from Quake and just go from there.

If you're just going to use the source code from Quake, why not just pick up Unreal Engine 4 then? Or maybe look into creating Mods for FPS games instead of engine programming.

Either way, I wish you the best in finding whatever solution you're looking for to complete this project.

Programmer and 3D Artist

I’m in the process of making a RTS game... I already have the engine I made, I am just designing the game. I am stuck at the impass of artwork.

Just now, rjhwinner03 said:

I’m in the process of making a RTS game... I already have the engine I made, I am just designing the game. I am stuck at the impass of artwork.

Is this RTS your first game you're working on? Have you completed other games prior using any API?

Programmer and 3D Artist

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