
Voice Actors Needed

Started by July 02, 2018 11:42 PM
3 comments, last by Chris Dattoli 5 years, 11 months ago

Project Name Altered
Role Required: Voice Actors both male and female. 
My Role: writer
My Previous Projects: Many of us have worked on projects in the past
Team Size:8
Project Length: Long term. We are hoping for a successful studio
Compensation: Currently we are Rev-Share but we have been in talk with publishers and once we get a demo and get funding we go to paid
Responsibilities: work within your role doing the best that you can. We want to be successful just as much as you do and we all understand that a rev share is not ideal that is why we will be seeking funding so everyone will get paid. Attend meetings when they are required, post frequent updates, be a part of the team in a way that is helpful (drama is not allowed). Most importantly have fun!
Project Description: In a world where an AGI(artificial general Intelligence) was created and began experimenting on living organisms and recreating life in a very dangerous way take control of Bunny once a troubled poor girl affected by the virus then cryogenically frozen by a scientist named doctor Langston until her brain was implanted in an autonomous body (basically a human brain controlling a full robot body). Waking up 120 years after being frozen is confusing enough until you walk out of town to find swarms of altered creatures waiting to tear you apart limb by limb. Grab your sword and guns as you walk into this hack and slash shoot em up 3d 3rd person RPG.


Sample script available. Reach out via discord at HiveEntertainment#2607

Hi, I've send you a discord friend request, I'm adre997 so I'll be waiting for your response for male voice actor.


hey!, you can look in these servers Voice actors:

i hope you can find someone!.




Are you still looking for Voice Actors?


Christopher Dattoli
Demos found here
Phone: 848-221-4211

Christopher Dattoli - Commercial Demo.mp3

Christopher Dattoli - Narration Demo.mp3

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