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What Would You Do If...

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48 comments, last by frob 7 years, 11 months ago

There's always OneDrive, or GoogleDrive/GoogleDocs or whatever it's called these days.


2) Existing game companies have a plan, and already know what they are doing and what games they are making in the near future.

3) The only way to make my game ... I have to be wealthy enough to fund an entire game dev company myself. That's the only place where my plan fits, all the existing companies already have a plan.

4. Does this sound right to you?

5. Do you see any way around this?

6. Or should I just give up

4. No.
2. Many companies have bandwidth to take on additional product lines, but those lines do need to fit with the company's corporate image.
3. That's not the only way, unless you are hopelessly unable to partner with someone who can be the business guy and spokesperson for the project. I am not volunteering for that, and I am not available for that.
5. Yes. What I already said. Start with one first bite-size project, not the entire universe. Pitch it through normal channels, with someone who is capable of engendering confidence.
6. That's always an option.

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

about 8 years ago where I went by the name "Pirate Lord"

Ah, so that's why your handle and name sounded familiar.

I'm sorry, but we're not doing this again. (Pirate_Lord user profile and content for anyone interested).

At best you're a very egotistical armchair designer with a severe case of Dunnning-Kruger, severe lack of communication skills and stubborn resistance to the ideas of taking input from others or putting in any substantial effort to actually implement your game.

At worst, you're a very persistent troll.

Either way it's very obvious that you haven't learned anything, improved your communication, or actually done anything useful with your "designs" in almost a decade since you last posted, and I see no reason to believe you will do anything other than waste everyone's time and provoke argument if you are allowed to stay.

If you want to return to this community you need to get permission first. You won't get that permission unless you can somehow demonstrate that your presence here can be constructive and add value to the community: as it is, you dismiss any input and constantly belittle the entire industry whilst insisting your unimplemented ideas are better than anything the industry is able to produce. You also waste people's time posting huge walls of text which don't actually communicate much (if any) information.

...and just for reference, when you said that some of what Hodgman posted was the basis of your idea, those were actually very basic things that everyone with basic formal education in Computer Science understand. Your idea probably isn't as special as you think, and your stubborn refusal to properly discuss any actual details and insistence on dismissing the industry has prevented you from discovering this.

Good bye, and good luck.

- Jason Astle-Adams

when I say it is a "scientific modeling simulation of a god", that is something very specific. ... It creates all of its reality, and plans the future of every individual "living thing" within its reality.

In an effort to throw a final constructive spin on this...

It is an interesting idea. Once upon a time it was a hot research topic. People were hugely interested in discovering if it was even theoretically possible to implement this.

The answer came back as a resounding NO. Big names started a whole new field of mathematics that eventually became computer science, all in an attempt to answer that question. Kurt Godel did a ton of research on it and came up with proofs that several parts absolutely cannot work, there are operations that fundamentally cannot be carried out, there are statements that can neither be proved nor disproved within such as system, and such a formal system cannot show itself to be self-consistent. Alonzo Church invented lambda calculus (horray!) in the process of trying to prove the parts of that simulation and ended up providing a proof of undecideability. Alan Turing had a parallel line of research and papers, and ended up working with Church. In trying to prove that such a simulation was possible they ended up discovering the opposite, they constructively proved that such a system cannot be made. Even Stephen Hawking dug into that problem for a while, and gave up on it as he wrote in his book "God Created the Integers".

Many mathematicians and computer scientists, both famous big names and minor researchers, have tried to construct rules and systems that work around those problems. Every attempt to solve it has resulted in negative results. Even in today's software, Mathematica was originally written in part to help visualize a potential solution around the problem using FSMs, but like every other solution ended up with negative results. Fine software for computing all kinds of things, but it offered yet another proof that such a thing cannot be made.

The basic idea of such a simulation is tantalizing. It seems a natural fit for exactly what computers can do. But as you get far along the process there are problems that so far nobody has been able to overcome. Back in graduate school our CS department had a series of lectures about this exact item. It is a holy grail, a thing that people seek out but likely doesn't exist.

Yes, there is a remote possibility you have come up with an idea around all the existing problems. It is possible you have designed a solution that doesn't trigger undecidability, doesn't trigger incompleteness, doesn't trigger the halting problem, doesn't break Piano's axioms, doesn't come across Hilbert's Problems. But really, unless you can articulate exactly WHY and HOW you get around that, nobody will give you the time of day. As the one proposing the idea, the onus is on you to show that it actually works. An enormous body of research has found reasons it doesn't work. If you found a way to make it work, you really need to prove it before anyone will listen.

Kavik Kang, on 09 Aug 2016 - 03:33 AM, said:

when I say it is a "scientific modeling simulation of a god",
that is something very specific. ... It creates all of its reality, and plans the future of every
individual "living thing" within its reality.

In an effort to throw a final constructive spin on this...
It is an interesting idea. Once upon a time it was a hot research topic. People were hugely interested
in discovering if it was even theoretically possible to implement this.

Frob, is there a name for it that's used by the CS community? Surely it isn't "god" or "the matrix."

-- Tom Sloper -- sloperama.com

No name that I'm aware of. Universal computability, perhaps? Computational universality? I didn't spend a lot of time with those studying the topic, and I really only learned enough of it to get me through the graduate qualifiers, and that was years ago. (Meaning I could teach the undergraduate theory courses with the help of a good book if I needed to.)

A bit of Google and Wikipedia shows it dates back to the 1600's, the mathematician Leibniz was building the first computing engines and wanted to build a machine that could evaluate the truths of the universe on its own. It closely matches the described "scientific modeling simulation of a god"; knowing all truths of the universe through mathematical means. Through the 1700s and 1800s it was a common theme, building computing machines and engines that could compute everything, seeing if there could be elements of the universe that were not computable, that sort of thing.

Over the centuries it evolved into the full branch of mathematics and computer science called "computability", and it includes proofs that certain properties within the universe absolutely cannot be computed. Some of them are provably uncalculable. Others are provably undeciable, you can never make an algorithm that is correct for it. Still others are calculable but are intractable, a solution could exist but the solution requires more effort or space to compute than the Universe can contain.

This type of scientific modeling of the universe can make simple simulations and gross approximations, but the full real thing of a complete universal simulation is believed to be noncomputable. In simpler terms, it is easy enough to make The Sims or Farmville, a lot harder to make an accurate weather simulator, but a simulation of "Our Actual Universe 2.0 (now with real physics)" cannot be constructed, it is believed noncomputable.

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