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Starfall Tactics - next-gen Space RTS powered by Unreal Engine

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72 comments, last by Relampago 6 years, 1 month ago


Something massive is coming out! Prepare to warp away through massive gates, surprise your opponents with an epic self-destruction module or simply destroy missiles, which are desperately trying to reach you.

Warp Gates

Making your way from one solar system to another is a hard challenge, which requires a lot of energy, resources and exact coordinates - so, a Warp Gate is a great thing to help ships easily jump from one system to another. We thought once about small warp beacons, but nobody could stand against enormity and epicness of huge Warp Gates with moving circles - just click on the picture below to see it:


Check out our profile on Sketchfab to see more 3D models!



Self-destruction module is finally here to show brutal power of death and explosions - whether it's a dreadnought getting his last chance to kill a significant part of enemy's fleet, or some small suicide frigates, you will never regret the last moment of its life.


Self-destruction module is an activatable equipment, that takes up space in the engineering bay, and requires considerable amount of capacity. It explodes on Activation, damaging all vessels in range, and eliminates the ship in which it's installed.

Anti-missile system


Hate missiles ignoring shields and destroying expensive ships? Get an anti-missile system and laugh at enemies launching swarms of rockets at you - right until they warp-in some beam weapons or cannons.


Anti-missile system is a passive special module which can be equipped to any ship with sufficient engineering bay space and capacity. Be ready to sacrifice some armor, shields or other important stuff to get it, although it's a fair price for such a useful module.




Starfall Tactics allows you to build a lot of interesting strategies, thanks to in-depth customization and a variety of available special modules granting you additional tactical abilities. We are constantly adding features to make your future battle experience more diverse - this time we added two scouting modules and a completely new type of lasers, at the same time, we continue our work on the MMO part of the game.
Charon freighter
Charon freighter is ready to carry precious resources and other meaningful stuff! It's actually too slow and heavy to do it all alone, so there is no surprise in getting escort missions from time to time. You might think about it as an easy way to get some money or reputation, but considering hateful pirates, player killers, aggressive players from other factions and other unexpected meanness, these "simple missions" can turn into extra troubles.


Phantom Laser
Along with adding special modules granting new active or passive abilities, we did not forget about general equipment such as weapons, armor, engines and so on. Looking at fat-armored Vanguard vessels, we've recently added phantom lasers with ability to almost ignore it, burning away heavy armored ships.


It still has some disadvantages, such as shorter range and low shield damage, but glorious golden color will make it all up as that's the best looking laser according to Starfall Tactics' team.
Advanced Sensor and Stealth module
To get more map control and vision for sniping enemy ships you usually need to create more scouts and get special systems for better detection, hiding and stealth revealing (yes, we've already added stealth modules). Stealth module will help you hide ships, making them invisible, while Advanced Sensor is a thing your snipers and scouts will particularly fall in love with, as it significantly increases the field of view and allows to detect stealthed enemies easier.


There is a lot of interesting things to be added to Starfall Tactics - stay in touch and read all upcoming news to keep up!


More content incoming! New ship for Vanguard, upgrades for control points and a very-very heavy armor have just come into Starfall Tactics to surprise you with a variety of available customization and tactical options.


Helskor, the second Vanguard frigate, is ready to join the battle! This small ship wants to be your best quick strike force, flying around bigger vessels and laughing at their inability to turn the right side and get a hit with missiles.


Control Point Upgrade

To make your quick matches more interesting and intense we've just added some interesting mechanics, allowing players to upgrade control points.


By capturing control points one can now not only get more warp points, but also gain access to three differents upgrades:

Warp Station - additional warp points income and additional place for warping-in ships;
Outpost - increased field of view and stealth revealing;
Battle Station - defensive construction equipped with weapons which can shoot nearby ships.
Each upgrade has a warp point cost and applies instantly. Upgraded control points have hit points, armor and shields and can't be captured until you destroy upgrades.

Heavy Armor


Armor is a good way to protect your ships from most non-energy weapons. But what if your ship doesn't have enough slots? Heavy Armor is here to help you! Being really heavy and actually significantly slowing down ships, it grants so much armor that even smallest vessels can feel protected, for at least first few seconds of the battle.



Hey, Commanders! This week we had a lot of things to do: objects and interface for the MMO part of the game, new quick match maps and some stuff for it, new ships and lots of other interesting things. Here is just a smaller part of it in 3D sketches:
Here comes the Bishop - a mighty Deprived battleship with a name which makes you think of this ship as of a support ship. Although we are still thinking about its specific role, the Bishop will definitely have front weapons, in contrast to other Deprived vessels, which mostly have hardpoints on each side.


Also, to add a bit of variety to our hulls, we decided to do this battleship 150% the size of a regular one - 750 meters of death and destruction!
Newest addition to Eclipse vessels - Eagle cruiser - should be a great ship to have in your fleet. Although it's rather small and can't carry huge tactical modules, swiftness and ability to do substantial damage more than compensates for all the possible disadvantages.


Don't forget to check out our Sketchfab page to see it when it's done!
Fuel depot and Repair station
While furrowing the vast of the Starfall Tactics' universe you can get into different challenging situations, including fighting with pirates and other players. During each battle in our special Discovery mode, there are thousands of chances to take damage to your ships in the fleet - to fix it up you will have to find a nearest Repair station and pay some in-game currency for it's services.


Breakages are not the sole difficulty Commanders will encounter: travelling in and between solar systems requiers certain amounts of fuel to power ships' engines. So players need to control fuel balance and, from time to time, visit Fuel depots and pay a fixed price to refill.
Actually, we have another interesting mechanic in mind concerning breakages and fuel, and will tell you about it in our future articles for sure!


Every day Starfall Tactics' team aims to create something new - we put all our force, skills and creativity to making something truly worth your time and attention. Although there were several holidays (many of those around here), we achieved improving the MMO part of the game and made some other changes and additions.

Artificial Planet

Galaxy map is a huge thing, requiring a lot of different stuff like mechanics, objects, decorations, quests, interfaces and so on. It's always a pleasure for us to see a new step of evolution of Starfall Tactics - whether it's just several ships travelling from one solar system to another, an ability to attack fleets in the open space, utility objects, game modes or some smaller additions. And although this new Artificial planet represents just a piece of Starfall Tactics' big Galaxy, it's utility and importance shouldn't be underestimated.


Artificial planets are the result of great technical evolution and interstellar travels popularisation, it's fully artificial. Despite of some patriotic rumors in the Vanguard faction, the concept of creating this type of planets and most ideas belong to Eclipse's genius scientists, striving to create grand projects for commercial use and... just because they can. It's usually used for production and manufacturing as it's quite hard to live in those man-made worlds - people prefer admiring these beautiful creations from a distance. Don't forget to visit artificial planets from time to time - they might have some interesting and rewarding quests for you!

Asteroid Belts

Space without asteroids and asteroid belts? No, it's not possible! To make you feel Space and several quick match maps more exciting and full, we've just added big, long and insidious asteroid belts.


It actually makes you feel better and more protected only until an enemy suddenly jumps out of the corner and attacks you. At the same time, it grants more tactical abilities and interest in controlling the map, or even equipping additional modules like warp jumps, allowing to leap the obstruction and leave your opponent behind. Asteroid belt also can be used as a temporary cover for ships - just keep in mind the line of sight mechanics and don't try to ram into asteroids and everyting will be grand.


One could read previous releases about nebulas - they were a simple decoration for the space. Now we are adding another type, representing new mechanics which most MOBA gamers know as "brushes".


Nebulas in Starfall Tactics are a good way to hide your ships from enemies and prepare an ambush - suprising an enemy with attack will definitely give you advantages and time before they get the right position for each ship in the fleet. There is only one bad thing for player hiding in nebulas - you will need additional scouts, as inside it ships lose some vision and can't see approaching enemies.



Hey, ?ommanders! We are back again and ready to show you more interesting stuff for Starfall Tactics. Our team had to spend a lot of time on creating UI and mechanics for the Galaxy map - we still have a lot of great things to do and tons of epic ideas for the future - project development will never stand still!

So, let's head to some curious stuff we're ready to tell you about this week:


New deadly and massive ship is coming to life - Bishop is almost ready to take part in intense tactical battles for the control of the Galaxy!


Being a typical representative of the genius Deprived constructors, this chaotic asymmetric ship is destined to be an unusual battleship in all ways - front weapons and increased hull size will only add another oddity level to it.

Repair Station

One shall never forget that Starfall Tactics' Galaxy might appear a cruel place for those who is not prepared for any kind of situations, making you damage or even loose a couple of ships. That's why it was decided to begin building special repair stations in space, where everybody can get a fix for their ships.


Vanguard and Eclipse scientist started this great project in collaboration and competition with each other - unfortunately the War between factions separated them, stopping the project at the final stage. Later, each faction began building such structures in solar systems they own as the need arises.


Do you like cool visual effects? Well, we think everybody loves it and so do we. That's why we are always looking forward to improving it and creating new ones, you will admire looking at. And here is another thing to help Commanders blow away enemy ships:


Red color is always meant to be something agressive and dangerous - and although it's actually the color of the Vanguard faction, others won't disdain it as all is fair in war.



Today is an exciting day, fellow commanders!

It’s finally time to lift the curtain on one of the core gameplay mechanics of Starfall Tactics which we’ve been keeping a close secret ever since the very beginning of development. Now it might sound a bit unconventional at first, but we at Snowforged Entertainment firmly believe in innovation and hope you’ll share our bold vision for the next generation of wargames.

If you’re an attentive reader of our weekly work in progress posts, it shouldn’t come as a surprise to you that each of our spaceships is crafted with love, care and great attention to detail by a small group of artists. As such, every single one of those vessels has its own distinct voice and personality. And over time, whether you planned for it or not, you begin to develop a keen liking to those unique qualities. Your heart starts to skip a beat at the sight of Logan annihilating another enemy dreadnought with its powerful artillery or Talaria evading an entire fleet of adversaries without as much as breaking a sweat. There are many ways to customize and promote individual spaceships in Starfall Tactics, but sometimes it feels like installing a new module or ordering a fresh coat of paint isn’t cutting it anymore. You want something more. You want to have a relationship with your units that feels more personal, more… intimate. Well we have an answer to this problem and that answer is just one word: «Dating».


That’s right. Dating. Apart from creating a truly deep and immersive real-time wargame experience, we plan on delivering you a complex spaceship romancing simulation driven by narrative and in-game events. Every ship will be available for courting and have its own fleshed-out storyline you can unlock over the time of playing. You can even try your charm and wit on space stations to gain occasional favors and small discounts. A well-timed wink goes a long way! But keep in mind that we obviously won’t be forcing the fate of becoming a spacefaring casanova on every player. Being good pals with your allied ships will always be a viable option!


So at this point you’re probably wondering how will this system actually work. Well, the process is fairly simple. Once you’re in fleet customization menu, you’ll see a speech bubble icon floating above every ship that wishes to have an audience with you. Clicking it will open up a dialog menu that’s not unlike the familiar dialog menus in interactive novels, where you’ll be able to have a little chat with your spaceship accompanied by stylised animated artwork. The theme of these conversations will range all the way from inconsequential small talk to custom loyalty missions (eat your heart out, Mass Effect). Being caring and attentive to your subordinates will grant you small bonuses in battle as well as unique blueprints, equipment and cosmetic items at the higher levels. But be careful — once the ship is destroyed, the AI will reboot to factory settings and you’ll have to start all over again! To nourish the flower of love in the middle of a warzone is no easy task.

We can’t wait to hear what you think about this side of Starfall Tactics.


I believed it until I looked at the date :D

Actually that might be a viable market. I've noticed a bunch of anime-style dating sims on steam doing very well involving inanimate objects made into anime-style girls. http://store.steampowered.com/app/379980/

No, that isn't an April fools joke, either.

I believed it until I looked at the date :D

Actually that might be a viable market. I've noticed a bunch of anime-style dating sims on steam doing very well involving inanimate objects made into anime-style girls. http://store.steampowered.com/app/379980/

No, that isn't an April fools joke, either.

It's good to know somebody believed it :D
We know. The matter is that this dating sim could be made by a single man from our team, so....)


The time has come to present you another couple of ships created with love and patience, and a finished Fuel depot. And no, you won't be able to date them as our previous news was a great april fools joke... maybe...


Bruno is finally going to have a beautiful friend - Cassandra! Another cruiser in line to bring more pain and let you show your extraordinary microcontrol skills. Although Starfall Tactics gives you an optional, but very useful ability, to create a group of units using hot keys and set target locations for them and attack order, you shall not forget about specific game features. Line of fire and ship collision are not things ships will look to by themselves - you need to position your ships right, preventing them from ramming each other and staying off friendly fire. In exchange your tiny friends will have a very valuable ability to easily evade most projectiles and laugh at slowly turning dreadnoughts.


Make your opponents cry with a sweet pare of Bruno and Cassandra!

Fuel Depot

Here, let's talk a little bit more about exploring the Galaxy: you could read in one of previous WIP articles that travelling across the Galaxy will need a certain amount of fuel, which costs some in-game currency. This sounds a little bit hardcore, but in fact if you are attentive enough and saved money for long space trips to the edge of the Galaxy, have a strong fleet to fight against ambushes and know in which star systems you can find fuel depots - fuel management will not present a big problem to you. Really.


Always pay attention to the fuel level, otherwise, left without fuel and almost immobilized, you run the risk of becoming an easy prey for pirates and every single enemy fleet which is able to destroy you to get all your goods and chattels.


The second cruiser for the Eclipse faction, Eagle, is another small and fast vessel to add into your collection. Despite of having really small engines visually, it actually has enough power to be a very quick and maneuvering ship, at least if you equip some appropriate modules.


As the ship is separated into two parts, it's obvious that some models of it have two weapon and engeneering bays for the left and the right sides - so, there is a chance that some modules can't fi this ship. But don't worry too much, as small squad of these cruisers can bring a lot of unpleasant moments to your rivals - be sure to save some place in your fleet for the Eagle!


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