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Starfall Tactics - next-gen Space RTS powered by Unreal Engine

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72 comments, last by Relampago 6 years, 1 month ago

Any ties to the 2007 project by the same name (Starfall)? or is that purely coincidental?
The ship art looked familiar hence my asking.
At any rate, great work!

It's purely coincidental :)

Thank you!



What could be better then a couple of silent minutes with Starfall Tactics news? Only hundreds of it spent in-game! Today, on Friday the 13th, in our 10th Work in Progress article, we talk about our launcher, module icons and ship blueprints.


As every online game, Starfall Tactics is going to have a special launcher with all the usual stuff, like Update/Play buttons, along with latest news and everyting else you would normally expect and we will ever want to add there. And we've made a mockup of what it will probably eventually look like:


So, here it is. Although you are going to see it only for few minutes or even seconds before pushing the "Play" button, we are going to make sure it feels and looks just right!

Module icons

Although module icons might be not the most interesting thing to investigate, we'd love to present some just for you! Here we wanted to try out more MOBA-like thumbnails for our abilities, instead of going pure monochrome. At the same time, it can work well as we plan on having a lot of different module blueprints in our game and players will need a very clear and quickly-recognisable imagery to help them navigate the UI jungle.


That's what it looks like. Try to guess which action each icon represents and feel free to leave a comment at the forum!

Ship Blueprints

Can't find a ship you need in a bunch of the same looking blueprints? Not a problem anymore! These epic pictures represent spaceships, letting you know easily which one you want to add to the fleet:


*Note that all descriptions and stats are subject to change.

Look, they are awesome!

Stay in touch and don't forget to join the discussion in Starfall Tactics communities!



Welcome, space captains!

We're happy to see you here today, reading fresh news and waiting for an alpha version of the game. While we are fixing bugs and preparing some interesting things to make Starfall Tactics experience even more exciting, you can look at some new screenshots!

Fleet Editor

This week we've run several inner-circle tests and saved some interesting screenshots – today we're showing you a couple of them related to the Fleet Editor. In comparison to the old one, this time it shows all the information in more convenient and beautiful ways, ensuring you feel comfortable while assembling another super-vessel and planning out the winning strategy.


Ship customization process is an important part of building your strategy and can take a lot of players' time, to think through and find a module combination which will both satisfy their needs and fit general requirements, such as capacity and tech points cost. On the screenshot below you can see an Advisor equipped with beam weapons, shields, shield cells, armor, engines and warp module. In the left corner we present all technical information about it, on the top of screen you can see ship and fleet Tech Points cost, on the right side - all modules available to you, split into corresponding categories.


The fleet editor screen shows you which ships you have in your fleet along with providing necessary information about every single vessel – structure hitpoints, armor, shields and shields regeneration, dps, range, max and turn speed, TP cost, class – and, obviously, giving you the ability to add new ship or delete some.

So, that's what it all looks like at the moment. Although we hope you'll enjoy this version, we are not going to stop and will eventually add more functions you will need and make it all in the best possible way!

Module blueprints

Do you remember a picture with different guns and modules? If not – just read one of our previous WIP articles here. It finally found it's way into Starfall Tactics – you can see it in blueprints and even on ships themselves. Several examples of blueprint cards are here just for you to enjoy:

Projectile weapon




Beam weapon


*Note that all descriptions and stats are subject to change.

These examples represent just a very small part of what we plan on doing concerning blueprints. As diversity and wide customization ability are very important game features, we think on adding about 200 or more module blueprints at release and even more after it!



Meet three new ships for Starfall Tactics! One medium spaceship for Eclipse, a red giant Mjolnir and a Mothership for Vanguard are ready to join the battle and blow somebody's mind (and ruin the strategy you've built).


Logan, a medium spaceship, is a typical representative of the Eclipse faction: this yellow color is not only a warning to everybody, who dares give a spiteful glance at them, but also a color of glory, triumph and richness. The giant corporation, which strived to become a technological society and, eventually, a separate faction, is definitely able to create genius battle vessels, combining incredible design and hard military power.



Mjolnir is always ready to strike down your enemies, breaking into a swarm of ships as Vanguard pilots try to do all what they can, and if it means sacrificing another dreadnought for ramming a dozen of ships, they are ready to do so. Only the strongest will survive in this war and Mjolnir will punish those who underestimate the power of the red hammer.


Vanguard Mothership

Mothership is an important part of PvP mode. It's a great base, which allows to spawning ships from your fleet deck, so if an enemy destroys it, you will automatically lose the war for this small part of the galaxy. But dealing enough damage might not be as easy as you think - each faction tends to add tones of shields and armor to such an important object, while leaving a couple of support ships for its protection at the same time.


If you ever saw Saint Basil's Cathedral, come and look at another version of Vanguard Mothership you might like.



Ahoy, commanders!

Your fleets will soon be able to join the battle for the control of the galaxy - make sure to choose your side and tell friends about Starfall Tactics. Also we always welcome any clans and gaming communities!

PVE game mode

Although PVP is a main focus in Starfall Tactics, PVE is still a very important thing we can't miss out on. It's a place where you can test a fleet you've built, train your skills, earn additional experience, relax and feel as a God. At least for the first 2 minutes.


In our first pve mode you start off with a Mothership and some resources which can be spent on spawning one big ship or a few smaller ones. The main goal is to defend a Mothership from waves of different enemies who will try to destroy it, because if they succeed - the game match will automatically end.

In the begginning of each match you will need to choose a ship card from your fleet-deck which will protect your Mothership from first enemies, while at the same time capturing control points, which is important as it gives additional resources for spawning more ships. Each wave is stronger then the previous one, so your goal is to stand tall and survive for as long as possible, but take into account that even the first opponents can make you loose some ships if you are too lazy to properly control it and fail strategize quickly.


So, what's it all about?

  • Prepare a fleet which can survive in long battles.
  • Select a couple of ships which will fisrt appear on the map from your deck.
  • Spawn and warp ships using points earned from capturing control points.
  • Defend Mothership and destroy as many enemies as you can.
  • Recharge ammo while near your Mothership and when out of combat.
  • Earn experience and in-game currency.
  • Become number one in pve rating!

This mode will not only let newcomers test their skills, but also is going to be a great challenge for those who consider themselves masters. So grab your sheeps, find a strategy and gain a rewarding rts&wargame experience with Starfall Tactics!

Deprived Mothership

This tall and spiky Deprived mothership is made with a use of secret technology. Looks like a typical Deprieved ship, chaotically constructed from just what they had laying around, and is gonna be great, as always!


Mothership names are not something you'll probably even see for a while, but we still need to do it. The Vanguard one from our previous WIP is obviously Excalibur, as it actually kind of looks like a big stick that's stuck in the middle of something. But for this one, we were thinking of «Merlin», but then couldn't come up with a final decision, so we'll probably just call it Rasputin. Russian overtones are usually reserved for the Vanguard, but Rasputin was one tenacious and mystical son of a gun, making the name deserving of a Deprived ship.



This WIP article is dedicated to all who love explosions, kamikaze playstyle and green friendly drones: here we introduce a super module of self-destruction and a repairing tool.

Self-destruction module

Equiping self-destruction module will deliver some unexpected troubles to enemies - at least if a kamikaze ship manages to get close enough to deal damage. It's obvious to make small ships with this module but if your tank or utility ship has free slots it can work as a very weighty "final word", turning the battle in your favor.


This skull is definitely having fun, making some great explosions and eating dozens of ships.

Repairing drone

Ones who follow Starfall Tactics long enough might remember this friendly green drone. Now it gets a proper job - fixing broken ship equipment and repairing armor, which is a very important part of the strategy: use it wisely and it will help your ships return home in time without losing strategically important dreadnoughts. Just remember: nothing is done for free and this drone will take plenty resources for repairing ships.


In PvE mode you can just pay some points and push a button like this - it summons a repairing drone which has a limited lifetime and repairs selected ship.


Yes, that's the drone we are talking about and the one which will save your fleet's life!

Sometimes, while creating particular stuff for Starfall Tactics, we experience funny glitches. Of course, it's always fixed so players can just enjoy their playtime when it's done. But we're really sorry somebody can miss a chance to smile on this Friday and are happy to share a little part of Starfall Tactics' development history with the help of these crazy gifs.


Note: not actual gameplay.



Starfall Tactics' WIP article is here! While we are trying to dig out the snow drifts, you can read news about Starfall Tactics and discuss new modules and Vanguard Mothership at our forum.

Vanguard Mothership

Red giant Excalibur, second Mothership, is one of the creations Vanguard engineers are proud of as it represents their hard military power in the best way and, from some points of view, can remind of a famous sword.


Vanguard Mothership plays just the same role as other ships from this class: it is an important object on the map you must not lose! Besides, Motherships allow you to spawn additional units, recharge ammo and get a repair drone - three things which will definitely help you survive in a long battles!

EMP Module

To let the game be more diverse we continue creating modules, turning players' tactics in an unexpected direction and giving more opportunities and ways to express their personal playstyles. So, more special equipment has just been added to Starfall Tactics, and the first one is the EMP module.


The EMP module gives you an advantage when fighting against ships with tones of shields and regeneration cells: it immediately takes off a fixed amount of energy shields from all ships in target area. Although it still can't destroy regeneration cells, this module gives an opportunity to deal with some hard-shielded enemies faster, which of course means taking less damage from a rival's fleet.

Plasma web Module

Plasma web helps deal with a swarm of small ships, like Talaria or Bruno, by continuously damaging every target in a specific area and will also probably get an additional slow effect in future. In combination with the EMP module it can work like a real bomb. But take into account that it costs a significant amount of ship's capacity and fleet points.


This spider is ready to spread out his nets and catch some delicious vessels - just get a proper strategy and ship to equip it!



Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Starfall Tactics' Team! Thanks for bearing with us so much - we hope to start playing together with you in 2016, so don't miss the announcement ;)

Despite the holidays, we keep working hard to make the game polished enough for showing it off in Closed Alpha. This week we've polished some features like explosions, ship selection, destruction and modification and are happy to show you a fresh screenshot from pvp mode.


Deprived Solomon fleet is trying to defend a control point near the Mothership from powerful Premier with a couple of smaller ships.

Deprived Mothership

Rasputin is the third Mothership: being amazing through its chaotic forms and attracting envious glances from enemies, this Mothership stands with Millenium and Excalibur forcing great minds to puzzle over its structure. Even Eclipse's scientists are stuck with their researches of Deprived technologies that help keep on par with the great corporation and military faction, in this long space war.



We keep adding some important elements and content to Starfall Tactics: from now on, as we have enough ships for Vanguard, Eclipse and Deprived, you will be allowed to choose a faction for you fleet - one fleet can have ships only from a chosen faction.


At the same time, you can see a few characteristics in the bottom: each faction has an advantage and a disadvantage. For example, Eclipse tend to rely on energy shields and include them into basic ship structure - of course, it has some negative effect on ships' capacity, keeping all stuff in balance.

Although there is a slight chance that there will be changes, you can start thinking about choosing your starter faction right now!



Hey commanders, we are back after winter holidays feeling rested and ready to move heaven and earth!

As you could have noticed, there are some changes on our website concerning Closed Alpha. It hasn't started yet and we don't accept applications right now, but we've just done some general preparations and held family&friends test which helped us find some general bugs and polish the game. Currenly we have sheduled Closed Alpha for Q1 2016 and are going to prepare a very huge and interesting part of content. Here is just a small update on upcoming ships for you to enjoy.


As you could have missed our last sketchfab update, we present to you the Hope. Being very small and quick, this Eclipse ship can serve as a small spy, spotting enemy locations and giving vision to long range dreadnoughts, or be the one jumpy thing you can't catch with leasurely turning giants.


Most of you will consider Hope a typical human feeling, finding this shipname a very symbolic and good fit for such a tiny vessel. It can work, but to be honest, this ship is named after the Hope Diamond, which is a famous gem stone...unfortunately, nobody will keep it in mind.


Constructions of Deprived ships seem to be very unusual, drawing attention with the chaotic power they represent, which is something everybody shall definitely be aware of. So does the Salem, new mighty battleship from the underground geniuses.


Choosing this battleship to be fleet's main power will cost you a significant amount of Tech Points, limiting the number of copies you can add but rewarding with a hard assault arm.


And we are just in time to make another tiny Vanguard ship, which is going to be even faster than shark-like smiling Talaria. Helskor, just as a little red bee, will quickly move from one side of the map to another, bringing some good or bad news to the fleet commander and making your worst dreams come true.


There are some other changes and interesting stuff for you to discover in the next WIP article, so don't forget to check it next week!



You might wonder how far have we gone with Starfall Tactics' development? We are happy to say now that the core part of game mechanics is quite ready and waiting for more features and content to be added. At this stage we started creating the MMO part of our game, which contains a big galaxy map for you to discover (yay!). We will feature some concrete general information separetly before the alpha, and until then, you can look at different WIP stuff for it.

Transport ships

There is a lot of different stuff to do for the MMO parts of the game. One of obligatory things is a cargo ship which is obvious for a space game like this - moving a huge amount of goods from one part of the galaxy to another is a nontrivial task for your battle ships.


This ship's codename is Charon and it can carry quest-related packages, resources, and other stuff probably, except for blueprints and currency. Charon is not strictly assigned to any of the factions, although there will be skins available based on your chosen fleet's faction.

Stars and Planets

The whole Galaxy can't live without stars and planets and that's what we shall think about too. So we've made a couple, which you will encounter while furrowing the vast of the Starfall Tactics' universe and exploring the galactic map.


Well, not just a couple - you can see only example stars and planets, in fact there are thousands of them on our Galaxy map to discover: some will embarrassingly little to show, while the others are colonized, under exploration or work as fountains of resources.


Another unaligned ship is coming in! Cerera, which you could previously see as Sierra, got a new life - now it's a generic factionless ship for the MMO part of Starfall Tactics.


Is it a pirate ship, or just a hostile trading guild member? Well, thats not the thing you should worry about, while this suspicious ?ruiser is coming into your ship's vision - we would personally advise you to take care and always be prepeared for the battle for your life!


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