

Started by February 24, 2007 06:58 PM
433 comments, last by sirGustav 16 years, 11 months ago
Quote: Original post by Nitage
Quote: Original post by Shuger
Quote: Original post by Naxos
So I suppose there's no possible way that some of the elements will be changed? Totally set in stone now?

If something could be done about pony.. just mention me here succesfull games featuring ponies.

Ocarina of Time, World of Warcraft.


I like this year's elements. I think this year will be my first time entering.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. – Leonardo da Vinci
First Thought: Exploding Ponies with Accountants on them. And Crystals for something else.

"Your pony has eaten you."
Naturally, two minutes before it actually showed up, the Internet went out at our office for a while. But, when I read these elements, I laughed so hard it hurt. I'm going to LOVE doing these. And it fits perfectly with the sketch I already was working on.
Come on, it's not that difficult. Accountants can die too... [rolleyes]
And the other 3 are possible causes. [grin]
Well, according to wikipedia, "pony" has some other meanings: 1 2 3 (this might be interesting) 4

So I'll repeat the question, how liberal can we be in this?

Curious note: all elements are plural. So would having a single accountant make your entry qualify?
Quote: Original post by Shuger
Quote: Original post by Naxos
So I suppose there's no possible way that some of the elements will be changed? Totally set in stone now?

If something could be done about pony.. just mention me here succesfull games featuring ponies.
Well llamas have been very popular.
You know, just because there haven't been many successful pony based games in the past doesn't mean they can't be done.

I'm inclined to think that these elements are strongly directed toward a comedy-based game though. (But I fully expect to be surprised.)

John B
The best thing about the internet is the way people with no experience or qualifications can pretend to be completely superior to other people who have no experience or qualifications.
Quote: Original post by Moe
Oooh boy! This should be interesting...

How litteral do these things have to be? For example, if I have a vehicle that plays a very prominant vehicle in my game called a Pony, could that work?
For crying out loud. They give us very tangible elements at our request and you want to be smart? I for one wish they'd insist we stop trying to trick our way around the elements. It's supposed to require inventiveness and creativity to design a game aroudn the elements, not inventiveness and creativity to get away without doing it.

Not liking the elements very much this year but I'll sleep on it and see if I can come up with an idea that is feasible [smile]
Richard 'ViLiO' | Twitter | YouTube

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