
[4E5] Roll call!

Started by June 04, 2006 11:17 AM
228 comments, last by userjp 18 years ago
woops.. well you get the idea lol
Count me In!

Tho if last year was any indication...

still gonna try me best tho!
I will surely partecipate!!!
Will try to make it in time, busy with uni, but the inner fire burns! :D
I'm in.
yep I plan on entering, doing a turn based strategy game using Ogre
I think I may have a go at it this year... although somehow I've overlooked it until today. Thats one month down... 5 to go
I'm throwing my hat into the ring but with me starting school at a university this fall to get my CS degree, I don't know if I will be able to get it done.
Ill certainly be competing...Watchout everyone, BlindSide is back with another half arsed idea in mind...
I'm going to jump into the frey and attempt to put together an entry with my girlfriend and a mate. I'll probably end up using the Quake3 engine as it's what I know, though heavilly stripped down as our idea is a third person arcade style game rather than a first person shooter.

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