
[4E5] Roll call!

Started by June 04, 2006 11:17 AM
228 comments, last by userjp 18 years ago
Yeah I have to admit, last year the elements were things that could more or less just be thrown together into any kind of game without much creativity. This year they're brilliant, they got me thinking and after a bit I have come up with a game idea and I usually struggle a lot to think up decent ideas for games.
Progress is born from the opportunity to make mistakes.

My prize winning Connect 4 AI looks one move ahead, can you beat it? @nickstadb
Quote: Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
Since its so early in is development, I'll be converting what little I have of Cogs of Conflict: Klaxon to fit the 4e5 guidlines.

That name never fails to make me laugh :D
I think dwarfsoft and I could give 4E5 a shot. We're already exploring ways to change the plot to make the game take place in a post-apocalyptic Europe where things are bad due to the absence of the internet. Oh, and the barbarity is bad, too.

Quote: Original post by AnonymousPosterChild
Since its so early in is development, I'll be converting what little I have of Cogs of Conflict: Klaxon to fit the 4e5 guidlines.

Be sure to make Dr. Health Kit prominent enough for me to leech off of your game's popularity if you perform well.
"Sir, it is pie." - Mark TwainThe ArchWizard's site.
I'm going to take a shot at it.
Sounds like fun, im in.
I already made my mind up to compete this year once I saw how fun the last 4E contest was. I think having a fixed deadline will be a good motivator to actually get something done. I can't start proper work until some time in July, but I'll get something finished by November

Since I'm aiming for a nice simple game idea I'm finding it difficult to think of a way to combine all four elements without just tacking one or two of them in. So far I've thought of a few good ways to combine three, but the fourth just spoils it (usually its Emotion). Still, I've got another month to brainstorm ideas before I can start development.
Count me in.
______________________________________________________________________________________With the flesh of a cow.
I'm very interested in joining this year, but I won't be starting until July cuz I have to complete my current project first. Won't have much time for anything bigger than a complex 2D game. :( Hopefully that'll be enough...
I'm in! Or more, we're in. Mwahaahah. WHAHAHAHAH. Sorry. Me, Pieter and Rim are all working together anyway, hopefully be able to pull up something nice.

Oh, and good luck to everyone entering, I see there's some tight competition!
Ollie "It is better to ask some of the questions than to know all the answers." ~ James Thurber[ mdxinfo | An iridescent tentacle | Game design patterns ]
I will forego all masterbation this summer and join this contest!

For the third time!

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