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Redesigning RPGs!

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26 comments, last by DarkMage139 23 years, 11 months ago
quote: Original post by DarkMage139

Hmmm... should it really be necessary to continue buying new weapons each time? What about just getting a weapon upgraded?

- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don''t change the rules. Real game developers don''t break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"

Didn''t SquareSoft do this, or something like it, in FF8, where rather than winning/finding/buying new weapons and armor, you just pick up pieces to tack on to them?

And didn''t it bug the &#$@ out of people? I didn''t play much of FF8, but just the idea bothered me. I think it''s because we''re all so used to it, either from CRPGs or AD&D-style RPGs, that maybe we just don''t want to change. <br><br>There is a way to work around it, though...<br><br>What if you were to combine these two styles? As a weak example, you can get more power out of a manual-transmission car than an automatic (generally speaking). So let''s say you let players go ahead and go the normal route of picking up new weapons constantly. This would be like the automatic. However, if they want to take the time to seek out new parts, like the FF8 system (if I understand it correctly), they could get stronger weapons in the end. What if there is a basic sword with (for example) 30 attack power and plenty of upgrade slots, and an ultimate sword at the end of the game with attk. power 256 and no upgrage slots? The player could forsake purchasing new weapons for the entire game and instead concentrate on mods, and at the end, that basic sword could be upgraded enough to the point of having 400+ attack power... <br><br>That way, everyone''s happy. Hey, I''ve got a new idea again... <img src="smile.gif" width=15 height=15 align=middle> This happens a lot--I get ideas from other people and bounce new ones off of them, that I wouldn''t even have thought of before...
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How about making game worlds more realistic ?
I mean, it should take days to travel from one town to another.There shouldn''t be all that many encounters on the way, but it should be a bit difficult for the character to survive.He would need to find shelter, eat etc.

An idea I had about magic :
This works great with a dark fantasy world.Every time you use magic, your soul is drawn towards the dark side (maybe because the essence of magic has been corrupted or something).This could be measured in points or something.And if you reached a certain value (maybe defined by wisdom & intelligence ?) you would lose the game ?
There is something similar in the game called ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery).
Check it out at http://www.adom.de
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
quote: Original post by runemaster

An idea I had about magic :
This works great with a dark fantasy world.Every time you use magic, your soul is drawn towards the dark side (maybe because the essence of magic has been corrupted or something).This could be measured in points or something.And if you reached a certain value (maybe defined by wisdom & intelligence ?) you would lose the game ?
There is something similar in the game called ADOM (Ancient Domains of Mystery).
Check it out at http://www.adom.de



- DarkMage139
"Real game developers don't change the rules. Real game developers don't break the rules. Real game developers make the rules!"
"Originality (in games) is the spice of life!"
- DarkMage139
quote: Original post by runemaster

How about making game worlds more realistic ?
I mean, it should take days to travel from one town to another.There shouldn't be all that many encounters on the way, but it should be a bit difficult for the character to survive.He would need to find shelter, eat etc.

There's a game called The Unreal World that was very realistic. Some of the hardest things to do were to survive...get food/drink etc....

worth checking out

"The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." --William Blake

Edited by - Nazrix on July 12, 2000 8:29:58 PM
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
oSome people wont want to journey days to get to the next town and segment of story, that makes it realistic, but unfun in the fact that it would drag on too long, even if the story was good enough to go to the ends of the earth to continue.

My view on programming, what It means to me, what it meant to me. ~Squall012
Nazrix, I played the Unreal World...I thought the controls were difficult.I think I ought to try it again.
As for long travels between towns, I think they could be made interesting...and they are useful if you want your character(s) to stay in every town for a while and not run from one place to the next, so that he gets to know the world better.Of course that means that towns should be big and there should be many things to do.
I would like it if my players could be in a situation where they would think something like this : "Ok, I''ll go buy some food now and store it in my room at the inn.Then I''ll go get (enter NPC name here) and we''ll go hunting in the hills north of here...that should take x days, and when I''m back, I''ll immediately leave for (enter town name)."
-----Jonas Kyratzes - writer, filmmaker, game designerPress ALT + F4 to see the special admin page.
I saw a game of Meridian 59 turn into polotics. Basicly every player on the server belonged to a guild but they only have like 6 guildhalls, so the game turned into a constant game of polotics, guild vs guild pulling strings and making deals, was quite fun to watch.

Edited by - St_Shadow on July 14, 2000 3:41:21 AM
Heh, don''t play politics in a MMORPG. Unless you want some "interesting" results...

- DarkMage139
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I can change your world if you only knew.

I can do miracles if you want me to.
Anything is possible, I'll prove it to you.
- DarkMage139

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