
CheapFighter Beta 0.4 - I need feedback!

Started by September 25, 2002 07:17 AM
0 comments, last by AngelForce 21 years, 11 months ago
a few weeks ago i postet here another ''cheapfighter-thread'' i got some ideas etc. but when i updated the version and posted again(in the old thread) nobody responsed anymore... so i try again!! Download CheapFighter! now there are some new things, even an english readme(i would suggest that you read it, if only the ''NOTES''-part), so plz download it and then give me a little feedback/criticism/ideas/*whateveryouwanttocallit* ! But remember, it''s my first game and for the graphics i spent about 1min/each, so don''t be too hard(on the other side, if anyone here can draw better than big me[not hard ], i''d be honored to be allowed to use your graphics!) AngelForce -- If you find any mistakes, you''re allowed to keep ''em! ''When I look back I am lost.''
AngelForce--"When I look back I am lost." - Daenerys Targaryen
Not bad. Get some better looking ships, and add some special effects and you''ll be set. Your starfield effect is pretty cool though.

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