
Death and Destruction is upon us!

Started by September 14, 2002 07:42 AM
8 comments, last by Lord Maz 21 years, 11 months ago
Hi everyone, I've just completed my first learning project! It took a while (12 months ) but I've learned tons about programming while making it. Enough blahs, get it here: Here's a screenshot: ------------------------------------------------- Ok, here's the features: - Dark, cool atmosphere - 8 weapons, all balanced and interesting - Cool, easy-to-use map editor - Lots of gore - MP3 player (check the manual how to use it) - Easy-to-use editor A bit of warning, it's a bit much to learn before you can play the game at 100%.. but I've made a through-out manual to remedy this, so don't panic If you like it, mail me ( If you don't like it, mail me why (still -Lord Maz- [edited by - Lord Maz on September 14, 2002 8:45:33 AM]
-Lord Maz-
(Shameless bump)

Hmm, not one reply? Please try it

-Lord Maz-
-Lord Maz-
Looks pretty cool. I''m particularly impressed that you bothered to write a full manual for it! I''ll check it out once I''m not at work.

What did you write it in?
C++, using DirectDraw for all the shiny stuff.

About the manual, it wasn''t a big deal, I spent maybe 3 hours or something to make it. And I felt there was a need for it

Please tell me what you think when you''ve tried the game!

-Lord Maz-
-Lord Maz-
Just tried your game. Pretty cool. There were a few problems. If one player spawned on top of the other, you couldn''t move anywhere. You should probably check if another player is standing there before you place them there (or else just telefrag ''em). Random enemies would be nice too, although i''m sure you didn''t want to deal with AI at this point. As you stated in your manual, networked play is "deeply missed." In a game like this, network play would add dimensions (ever play Infantry?). Also, if I alt-tab out of the game, the game crashes.

Otherwise, great effort and good job!
Crashed on me

P4@1.6GHz/512 MB/GeForce2/Windows XP/1152x864x32

You have some wild pointer at
0x0040290F: mov word ptr [esi+edi*2],0F800h
Cool, It has a level editor!. I made my own leve :

I think people is missing a lot because text is too small and red, hard to read. I think if you get better sprites you could put this game in a shareware magazine or something I liked it, good work.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Wow, thanks for the replies!

Good that you found the editor xaxa , and you''re probably right about the text, it should be more readable.. however, I want it too look nice at the same time, so I''m a bit stuck. I''ve tried making some new fonts, but everything looked like crap :/

If anyone could help me with the art, I''d be grateful forever

CWizard, strange that it crashed, I have almost the same sys as you. Check that all the stuff is in the right folder etc, might be that. Oh, about the wild pointer, I have no idea how to fix it :/ Any clues?

davidko, teleporting onto another player is so rare, I never seem to remember fixing it Alt-Tabbing works for me btw - strange, strange..

-Lord Maz-
-Lord Maz-
Now tested it at home: P3@500MHz/128MB/Voodoo3/WindowsXP, and it work great. No idea why it failed on the other system.

About the wild pointer. I''m a bit rusty, but should be the instruction at address 0x290F in the executable, or parhaps plus some offset. What code this corresponds to could be really hard, and it might be code from a linked library. But it is possible to figure out with a good disassembler.

I didn''t mention it, but the program started, changed screen resolution, and then crashed.
About the fonts, search for ''fonts'' on kazaa to find some font-packs for photoshop... there are thousands of fonts around there. Dark-red isnt a good font color over black background.
The crash could be related to video card memory... don''t know. Good Luck there.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.

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