
C++ Window Tutorials -

Started by August 31, 2002 07:13 PM
0 comments, last by subduck 22 years ago
Hi everyone, I have created a c++ programming site at: It''s a great site that has a lot of c++ window programming tutorials as well as console tutorials. It has a nice message board too. Please tell me what you think Sincerely, Subduck
Good luck with your site.

Some criticisms on the CS161 final... none of it is your fault, but well, C++ still isn''t taught properly nowadays

1c - You can write to a file via cout, all it takes is to reassign the internal buffer. cout.rdbuf().swap( ofs.rdbuf() );, where ofs is an output file stream.

1d - See above, using standard IO is preferred to explicit files when writing shell programs that can act as filters. Stream redirection can occur on the command line.

3 - just rely on static initialisation : float c[101] = { 0.0 }; the 100 other values will be zeroed by default.

6 - <iostream.h> is deprecated (note though, that when using it, cout = ofstream( "outfile" ); is usually valid code... letting you write to a file using cout, cf question 1c).

12 - The function exists std::accumulate( values, values+count, 0.0 ) in <algorithm>

13 - The function exists std::equal( array_1, array_1+size_1, array_2, array_2+size_2 ); in <algorithm>

You may want to discuss these points during you CS162 class

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"Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are, by definition, not smart enough to debug it." — Brian W. Kernighan

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