
"Breakers" Released

Started by August 19, 2002 11:57 AM
6 comments, last by Johnny Watson 22 years ago
Download the game here. I await your commentary and criticism.
Hmm... colorful, fun, slightly buggy. The sound effects and background image are a really nice touch, as well as the configurability. Good job.
Nice game

Because the playfield is so large, maybe a larger ball could make it still more fun.

I like it, good work.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Thanks xaxa and AP. I put in a quite bit of work for this project (considering it only took 4 days) and its a thrill that someone out theres enjoying it.

As for the playing field being too large, I''d think that putting the game on fast mode would remedy that problem. By the way, I''m on a 400 MHz Celeron with 64 MB of RAM, so the frame lock timer isn''t very palpable on my machine. Did it run obscenley fast on your system? Please let me know.

not on mine

celleron 466, 256mb ram

[edited by - xaxa on August 22, 2002 8:25:49 AM]
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
Not bad!

Is it possible to work in controlling the direction of the ball somewhat depending on where the ball hits the paddle? (makes finishing the level easier!) - 4 available angles would be nice!

I'm running an XP 1800 machine, and your frame lock mechanism seems to be working. Looks like it runs around 30 frames per second or so?

EDIT: Corrections. I'm blind.

[edited by - Waverider on August 22, 2002 8:57:26 AM]
It's not what you're taught, it's what you learn.
I tried to implement a system which altered the balls direction depending on where the ball hits the paddle, but that just made things more difficult. The trick is the start of the level. If it hits the left of the paddle at the beginning, it goes left, and if it hits the right of the paddle it goes right. The only variances in the outcome of the game come from which direction in which you start the ball out at, and how many times and at what point in a given level you die. It''s possible to play the exact same game in the exact same way multiple times, but hopefully its not painfully obvious. I should probably add a readme file to the download stating that the sound effects come from 3D Cafe and the steel background texture comes from 3D Gate, but until I get around to it I guess I''ll just give them a shot-out on this thread (THANKS GUYS!)Right now I''m working on a Space Invaders clone which shouldn''t take too long because most of the code from Breakers I can recycle into it. Thanks for your support and be sure to look out for that game as well.
For anyone interested: Review this game!

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