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Started by August 04, 2002 03:54 AM
4 comments, last by TetsuoAkira22 22 years ago needs more people visiting, we are nearing a public alpha release and we would like input on the forum. Please sign up, tell your friends, and post all you can think of. [edited by - TetsuoAkira22 on August 4, 2002 5:03:16 AM] [edited by - TetsuoAkira22 on August 4, 2002 5:05:39 AM]
---Looking for a new gaming experience? Want something new that deals with everyday life. Ever wanted to be a thief, banker or a cop? Then come visit the newest thing in gaming today: Lejendz!
Other hosts turn you down? Need good tech support, excellent up time, and affordable prices? Come to to find a package right for YOU!
Bump, we need people on the forums! Also added some screen shots of the engine.
---Looking for a new gaming experience? Want something new that deals with everyday life. Ever wanted to be a thief, banker or a cop? Then come visit the newest thing in gaming today: Lejendz!
Other hosts turn you down? Need good tech support, excellent up time, and affordable prices? Come to to find a package right for YOU!
Still need people on the forums, also have a new theme for the site
---Looking for a new gaming experience? Want something new that deals with everyday life. Ever wanted to be a thief, banker or a cop? Then come visit the newest thing in gaming today: Lejendz!
Other hosts turn you down? Need good tech support, excellent up time, and affordable prices? Come to to find a package right for YOU!
Unless you have a steady stream of visitors, there is no need for a forum.
A forum is so people can get together and discuss ideas...
When someone has a suggestion for your game, theres no need to discuss it with other visitors - especially if you dont have alot of visitors.
Trust me, you will get a much better response if you have people email you with ideas instead of doing a forum.

Also, you do not get more visitors by saying that your website needs more visitors...why would I go there?!
You have TELL people exactly what the sites offers and has....I would have NO clue as to what would have and very few people go to sites that they have no knowledge about.

[edited by - Ibuku on August 20, 2002 10:21:31 PM]
What''s with that stupid first page that comes up and says "enter" "exit" ?

It looks like you are running a porn site at first.
It''s nearing a public alpha test? Just wondering if you could post more screenshots, as what you''ve got up right now shows virtually nothing of the game.

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