Early Screen Shots

Published February 18, 2006
Live Game Demo of Vivid War

The game requires no installers, only that &#106avascript is enabled :D<br><br>Here are some early screenshots of my game :D<br>(Edit: removed because the images took too long to load)<br><br> The debug window has info that is probably only meaningful to me at the moment. Some of the debug labels are being used for things other than specified lol!<br><br>Features that seem to be working as intended are:<br><ul><br><li>Menus display correct data</li><br><li>Click on an enemy to select it as target</li><br><li>Click on land to select it as target</li><br><li>Space bar to fire, w, a, s, d standard movement</li><br><li>Maps load while playing game so you do not have to wait for a load screen while travelling</li><br></ul><br><br>Features that are not quite finished yet:<br><ul><br><li>Moving windows is buggy in opera, but seem to work in rest of browsers tested</li><br><li>You cannot cancel automove by firing your weapon (intended so you can fire while chasing enemy), but you have to cancel moving (by pressing a movement key) before you can fire again (not intended)</li><br><li>Saving window position so windows stay the same on your next visit (Should I save using cookies or save on server?)</li><br></ul><div> </div>
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