Let's redefine "what's do-able"

Published June 28, 2005
So, I'm a wandering coder. I'm having serious 'keeping focus' issues and I think it's because I don't have a good gameplan. I can dink around and code little graphics demo's until I'm blue in the face but it doesn't get me a finished game. Falling back on one of the most simple ideas is probably the best thing to get me 'back in the groove'. I keep trying to get my "Subspace" clone off the ground but realistically I know it's more work than I have time for right now. So, for a simple idea, I've decided it can't get much easier than a breakout clone. The toughest part obviously being the editor.

In order to keep myself paced I'm in the process of cooking up the little features I want to add, as well as the complete task list...all before I start coding! I'd also like to help others learn from my process by making my code as re-usable, and documented as I can. With that in mind, I'm going to cook up a little web page for each stand-alone class, or set of classes, for others to check out.

As I mentioned before the first step is planning. I've got a couple of pages of ideas for 'power-ups' and block types. I'll need to formalize that into a brief design doc with some screen mock-ups. I'm also starting a complete list of all the tasks I need to do. I'm not going to go as far as to put dates beside each though :)

Rather than attempting to have designated 'code nights' I'm going to switch over to 'every night is code night' but just for an hour or so on the weeknights, and as much as possible on the weekends. That will keep me from getting too 'into' whatever game I'm playing currently (i.e. Battlefield 2) or whatever other leisure activity I may be doing.

OK. So that's the battle plan. Saying what I'm going to do is always the easy part...doing...well...that's the bitch now, isn't it?
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