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Latest LinearAlgebra Activity

A major part of gameplay is making sure objects are at the right places at the right times. This means you must understand the mechanisms behind how objects in a scene are placed at a particular position. You need to know how to do stuff like program a door to swing open when activated, or calculat…


brebarth221 said:

Another person wrote somewhere on some forum (can't remember which) that they had a problem with moving collision triangles (like, an animated collision world). Basically the whole collide-and-slide algorithm from that paper didn't work out for him. And the ellipsoid kept falling t…

January 11, 2020 05:48 PM
Image Recognition by Equilateral Encoding

I recently started reading the book Artificial Intelligence for Humans, Volume 1: Fundamental Algorithms by Jeff Heaton. Upon finishing reading the chapter Normalizing Data, I decided to practice what I had just learnt to hopefully finally understand 100 % of a special algorithm : …


The direction will help you figure out when it's hitting and when it's going away from each other.

If it's going away from each other, then you don't need to fix the position otherwise it will stick.

I am not sure that is a good way to HANDLE the collision, I just suggested how you can d…


Isn't this the task of the projection matrix? Last time I checked computer guys somehow insist that the origin is top left corner. To get the vanishing point to the center z is added to x and y. After division by z this becomes a constant offset.

I like math and think the origin it bottom le…

July 16, 2019 11:34 AM
GameDev Books

Updated 3/27/2019

I study how to write my own game engines using modern OpenGL/C# and WebGL/TypeScript. I advice you this book: C# Game Programming: For Seriou…


Thank you @Fulcrum.013! It's as i was thinking. Thank you for the clarification, it makes perfect sence.


I recall that most '3d math' basics for me, came from one of the main chapters in Luna's D3D books (in my case D3D11). Which was a good refresher, after initially doing vector/matrix stuff a long time a go.


I just finished skinning animation with opengl, assimp, and glm. It's not easy as it seems. I want to share all my pain that i went through so it maybe helpful to someone who feels same level of frustration like i did.

First of all I implemented skinning animation in past with directx and it…


Well, not sure what to say.

I had this problem at work, and posted this from what I remember my problem was, how I tried to solve it, and how it failed.

Now, I wrote it again from home so I could give you folks actual values during transforms, and it works just fine.

Well... thanks f…

March 04, 2019 09:51 AM

I'm glad you solved it, but I'm not sure the original question was very relevant to Angelscript itself? It's more related to the engine you're using that implements Angelscript.


The most important one is: The collision detection test for OBB vs OBB results positive BUT it returns no contact points in some cases. Is this correct? or should this never happen?

When the shapes are overlapping there should be a non-empty contact set. Otherwise …

9 minutes ago, agleed said:

If your array has the colors in a [r,g,b,r,g,b,r,g,b,...] format, shouldn't your "p" variable advance by 3 instead of 1 after each iteration?


well, that's certainly an error yes (and a really dumb one), but I would expect to get a …

calculating normal vectors

Thanks for all the help, finally understand it now. And thanks for the wiki link, I actually had no idea what those symbols were, so that helped a lot. 

Normal mapping: tangents vectors clearly incorrect

Have you tried the full pipline with a single triangle or quad with a texture on it? Rotate the uv's 90 degrees and see if it still works...

You have to step by step debug  this. There are lots of things that could go wrong. Start with something very simple. As stated, we don't know what we …

On 9/4/2018 at 2:38 PM, JoeJ said:

I have used least squares methods in the past, but they are axis dependent and give only approximizations. (Which means the result improves if you use the resulting line as the reference coordinate system for the next iteration).

Not s…

On 4/7/2018 at 12:34 AM, Agustin Andreucci said:

Right now the poses I have are close but slightly rotated and translated.

You need not a just sloth. You need a axe that comes from sight to muzzle-sight and eye point on it. With those markups on model it require just tra…


you probably should avoid calculating things like this when its not so necessary. maybe you should grab the neck of this issue in the code where you are actually moving these objects, bruteforce methods are rarely performance friendly. if you just do it for security (so they dont accelerate into …


The basic idea is to translate so the zoom center is at the origin, then scale, and then translate back.

But that should be equivalent to scaling and then translating by zoomCenter*scale-zoomCenter, or something like that.

Stretched Billboard Projected Particles
On 5/3/2018 at 10:15 PM, Hampus Siversson said:

I am a bit confused of the spaces that you would do these operations. Are you suggesting this in view-space?

The coordinate space shouldn't matter as long as you're consistent. Any will work. 

From the looks of …


The usual solution is probably to define orientations for each control point, with the local X axis aligned to the spline tangent directions.

In between you can first interpolate between those orientations (e.g. using quaternion slerp),

and second align the resulting orientation X axis t…

March 08, 2018 06:28 PM
N-vector data structure to store and query for scatter points

The impetus for this research topic is concerned with a data structure that efficiently stores and queries scatter point data. These points may originally be neatly arranged on a grid, or randomly scattered across the surface of a sphere (e.g. the earth), but it makes no assumpt…

Understanding Constraint Resolution in Physics Engine

Original Post: Limitless Curiosity

Out of various phases of the physics engine. Constraint Resolution was the hardest for me to understand personally. I need to read a lot of different papers and articles to fully understand how constraint resolution works. So I decided to write this article t…
