
Please check out my game: BLOODLUST (diablo type game)

Started by June 10, 2002 05:10 PM
4 comments, last by wrfstudios 22 years, 2 months ago
Bloodlust is a multiplayer vampire RPG Fight, Steal gold, chat, use magic, etc. Please feel free to send any coments, questions or observations about the game - its not 100% done - but its playable. Its an isometric type game done in Delphi Thanks Bill
Last Half of Darkness Developer
Looks awesome!
Ill try it soon...
The game look VERY GOOD at screenshots but:

- Installer unpacks the files whitout asking.
- Creating my acount I got this error:
ERROR:/meClient Version number 42bme\::32

I couldnt play

Search and you''ll find, ask and you''ll receive.
[size="2"]I like the Walrus best.
arg...i cant play it

it "says the server is down, try another server if one is available", then i get a connection refused error while creating my account
Yeah- the server was down for a couple of days - please try again - it should work now (you might want to re-download first)
Last Half of Darkness Developer
Worked well for me. Pretty cool. Were those other names other people, or bots? (Ghoul, shadow, etc). They didn''t respond or say anything. Noticed some Starcraft tiles in there. Don''t worry, I won''t tell.

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