
New shoot : Alpha Zero

Started by April 23, 2002 10:02 AM
7 comments, last by zoria 22 years, 4 months ago
A pure shoot''em up in DX!! :
I would be interested but 19 megs is more than my 56k can handle!

CEO Plunder Studios
but it''s big for really good graphics!
Well the least you could do is post a screenshot, I rarely D/L something if it does not have a screenshot, espically on such large files...

CEO Plunder Studios

and more on
Super Cool comme jeu, graphique extraordinaire!
But a little bit hard to play
"...and we all know what "undefined" means: it means it works during development, it works during testing, and it blows up in your most important customers' faces."----------Scott Meyers, "Effective C++"
normal il fallait corser un peu ya qu''un demi nivo!
I really liked it! Great fun to play, and excellent graphics + music. Very professional! A few questions:

- Was this done with DirectX 8?

- Is it going to be open source? (I guess not?)

- How have you implemented your fonts? Are you creating a polygon for each letter? Or is there an easier way of doing it that I don't know about?

- How have you compacted all the data files into one large resource file?

- When do you load all the resources? My asteroids game ( is fairly clumsy in that it just loads EVERYTHING when it starts (ie. there is no load time except when you run the application), but evidently you only load level data when the player actually selects a new game (which is good because it means they don't have to wait unnecessarily). Are you loading textures on that Loading screen? Or just level data and sound data? I've had problems getting DirectX to load textures without resetting the device... mind you, all my code has been based on sample code so far.

Excellent work... very impressive.

[edited by - a1studmuffin on April 27, 2002 3:59:57 AM]
Hello I''m the programmer of alpha zero glad you enjoyed the game .... for your questions :

- Nope It was done with directX 7 (DirectDraw, DirectInput & Direct3D parts)

- For the moment, it''s not open source but it will be I think.

- There is a basic implementation of fonts... it''s simply a bitmap with all ascii characters.

- All Data are compacted with the urarLib which can extract files from .rar

- All the ressources are loading during the loading hehe ! this involves bitmaps, textures, sounds & music.

Thanks for your interest ... bye

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