
Please test my D3D startup code....

Started by March 29, 2002 11:28 AM
6 comments, last by Moe 22 years, 5 months ago
I have finally written what I consider to be a decen D3D wrapper, but I need people to test it. Right now it doesn''t do much, other than display the fps on the screen and load the resolution and a few other things from a configuration file. I need a few people with varying video cards and operating systems to test this for me to make sure that it does run on as many systems as possible. I developed it on my celeron 466, rage fury pro, win98se, and I would like to know if it works on win2k, win ME, win XP, geforce2/3/4 cards. It does use DirectX 8, so you will need it to run it. Here it is: How to edit the config file: The configuration file is the file in the system directory. It is a standard text file, so it can be edited with anything like notepad, although it does have the .cfg extension. The first line is used to verify the file type, so don''t mess with it. The next line can be used to change between windowed mode and fullscreen mode. If you want windowed mode, just leave it as 1. If you want fullscreen mode, replace the 1 that is there with a zero (0). The resolution can be changed in the same way, just be sure to say the width first, then the height. The next 3 numbers are for controlling the background color. Don''t set them to something negative or over 255, but go ahead and play with them. They are the red/green/blue values used to clear the screen. Next is whether to show the fps or not. I would just keep that on . Last but not least is the fps color (the color of the text on screen). It is in the alpha/red/green/blue order, so you can play around with it. Just don''t set it to something greater than 255. Please, test it! Moe''s Site
Works fine for me

S3 32MB video card

I can try it on my Win2K partition later too.
Need help? Well, go FAQ yourself. "Just don't look at the hole." -- Unspoken_Magi
Anyone else?

Moe''s Site
Just another thing folks:

If it doesn''t work, there should be 3 files created in the ''logs'' directory with the extension of .log. They are just text files with the output from the program. If anything goes wrong, feel free to post/e-mail me the contents of the logs.

Moe''s Site
Yep, it works for me too. Although you might run into trouble specifying a width/height/bpp for fullscreen modes without some sort of menu or device enumeration.

Spec: Win ME, GeForce2mx.



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Yeah, I have a solution to that problem worked out. I am wanting to write a seperate utility that lets you select the resolution and color depth (along with a few other options like anisotropic filtering and multisampling). Eventually I will have it built in, but for now my priorities are on actually drawing something . I suppose I need to work on the device enumeration part as well.


Moe''s Site
Works for me too... Athlon 800, Voodoo3 AGP, 128MB, WinXP
Ah, thanks! Its good to know that it works on XP. Thanks guys!

Moe''s Site

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