
PLEASE test my terrain engine!!

Started by March 08, 2002 10:23 AM
49 comments, last by finny26 22 years, 5 months ago
64FPS at default resolution, 42 at full screen (1280x1024)

Dual AthlonMP 1600+
512MB PC 2100 Registered
GeForce3 Ti200
WinXP Pro

Very bumpy, maybe you can lower your gravity to save on the bumps a little. Either that or create a base that the camera will 'sit' on so that the bumps are a bit less extreme. They're really bad at the speed my computer runs it at.

Other than that, truck isn't textured and there really isn't much of a sky. If you can get a sky in there and maybe make the water a little less blue, I think that would help.

Looks pretty good overall though.

[edited by - solinear on March 30, 2002 10:36:22 AM]

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