
PLEASE test my terrain engine!!

Started by March 08, 2002 10:23 AM
49 comments, last by finny26 22 years, 5 months ago
This the first thing I've done with OpenGL (after the spinning cube ), i'd like to know a) Does it work? if not what happens b) FPS? c) any comments? download at (developed with win2k, geforce 2mx) Many thanks for your time Edited by - finny26 on March 14, 2002 5:45:32 AM
I get 5 fps
PIII 450
128 RAM
GeForse 2 MX
still looks nice though.
I get 7 fps
Duron 900Mhz
128 MB Ram
Geforce 2 MX 32mb
Windows Millenium
25 fps, GeForce 2 MX, P4 1500

looks good.. I had some fun going off jumps
I got about 8-10 fps (allegedly - it looked smoother than that to me though), although my system does have a number of other apps running in the bg.

Athlon 1100

Looks good. Couple of places where the trees were above the camera, or I ended up inside a mountain...
Looks nice, needs some optimising though:

I got 7 fps.

- PIII 750 MHz
- 256 MB RAM
- Geforce 2 32MB
- Win 98 Second Edition

Keep up the good work.


9-10 fps

Cel 850
384 RAM

And yes looks nice!

The Indie 2D Adventure Devr''s and Gamers Forum!
Everything''s in it''s right place.
Thanks for the response so far, 7 fps not good enough eh?

I''ve ''optimized'' the code and lowered the triangle count a little

The trees should be nearer the ground now but as far as going inside mountains,etc I haven''t put much into that side of things yet, just testing y''know

I want to turn this into a game eventually, any suggestions? I''ve got some multiplayer code working (client/server) but as far as what to do next, well my brain slows to about 5 fps

Thanks again for taking the time to test the demo, the latest version''s available at

Damned nice looking mate!

Ran at about 27 FPS in the start up window - i then hit maximise and it ran about 11 FPS (i am running 1600x1200 though!)

(GeForce 2 GTS 64 with PIII 1GHz and 512MB ram)
(btw - that was on XP too - i guess it would be faster in 98)

Can you tell me what tutorials you used (if you did!)

I wanna start something but can''t find any ones i like

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