
KEngine 1.0 Released!

Started by March 03, 2002 01:49 PM
6 comments, last by Guimo 22 years, 6 months ago
KEngine is an Tile Based Game Engine. The engine is best suited for the development of Diablo-like RPG games, but its structure allows it to be used for almost any 2D game.
KEngine is built upon three components. KGraphics, KSound and KTheater. On low level, these components exposes functions commonly used in any game like Surface creation, screenshots, resource managing, blitting, list and net management, etc. At higher levels you can find A* path Finding, GUI functions, dinamic lights, egocentric AI and other. The current KEngine release includes KGraphics and KSound only.
KEngine uses the propietary KGraph8 blitting library, that allows 640*480, 800*600 or 1024*768 at 256 colors with many blitting effects like ABlending, AMapping, Stippling, Shadows, Palette alteration and more.
The engine include complete technical manuals (currently in spanish only) and tutorials that shows how to use the classes. Visit the (under construction) to dowload the full KEngine SDK or the KEngine Technology Demo
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WOW, nice work. Is it true 3d? or simulated? the lighting looks great.
The engine works internally like a 3D engine, but the bliting functions are all 256 color 2D blits. You can say it is a 3D fake. Doesn''t it look nice?

Yes, very nice

Indeed Diablo-like

A bit too much maybe? The screenies look just like Diablo with the chests and the gold and the lighting etc oh well that''s not really a bad point I guess

KING CLAUDIUS Now, Hamlet, where''s Polonius?

HAMLET At supper.

KING CLAUDIUS At supper! where?

HAMLET Not where he eats, but where he is eaten
What 256 color? That seems like a very pointless limitation given today''s hardware.
If you strip the palette out of a 256color image you can keep the footprint for your game down, as image sizes will be smaller then if you were using 32bit images. Also using 256 colors allows you to do some interesting effects like palette shifting etc.
Very nice...with a hitch. The first two screenshots are not only Diablo-like, they are very obviously straight out of Diablo, or a damned good copy. Might cause some copyright problems if you release that demo...

Direct3D vs. OpenGL
The sad thing about artificial intelligence is that it lacks artifice and therefore intelligence.
Democracy is where you say what you want and do what you''re told.
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