
Preview of new game 'Shift 247'

Started by March 01, 2002 03:12 AM
-1 comments, last by madmac 22 years, 6 months ago
We''re up to writing our last couple of levels for our new game "Shift 247". We think the game is unique as the game play changes depending on which environment you''re in. One minute you''re in an eight directional scrolling cave then your stuck on an Alien Planet where it becomes a side-scrolling shoot-em-up. It''s quite a hard game to explain but extremely easy to play. We''re hoping to release it at the start of April (fingers crossed!). For more information about what the game offers and some new screenshots (only added today), go to: If you have any questions/comments or feedback then please post them in this forum or email us on Hooked, Get Addicted!

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