
Prodigy Games

Started by February 28, 2002 05:05 PM
1 comment, last by Nairb 22 years, 6 months ago
Hey, The Prodigy Games Official Website has been put up: Yes, it is on a free service, and it is relatively unprofessional. I know. But still... you can see our 5 finished games on the site and you can see the status of the current project, Vereor. :-) Tell me whatcha think. --Nairb
Too bad there were no screen shots... i might have found something interresting enough to download it...

It was easy to find my way around your site and i give you credit for that!

Eventually I''m going to get around to getting the screenshots and putting them up... but until then, there are screenshots on the GDShowcase... all the games are there. :-)


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