
Please check out this free game

Started by January 28, 2002 02:16 PM
35 comments, last by Safrosoft 22 years, 6 months ago
WTF do you think you're doing AP? If you want to advertise, start your own post. Stop using everyone else's.
quote: (I am in no way or form affiliated with the ClickTeam, just a faithful follower!)

Yeah right.

[EDIT:] He's done this to a coupla other posts too...


I finally got it all together...
...and then forgot where I put it.

Edited by - AdmiralBinary on February 15, 2002 4:23:10 PM
Listen, I am not affilited with the ClickTeam, but I use their products. This IS a game design webforum isn''t it.

I''m just letting everyone know Today is the last day.

BTW: this isn''t your thread anyways so chill!

(Also, I couldn''t logon, so I posted in someone elses post... So what. Who made you the god of this thread anyways?)
quote: BTW: this isn''t your thread anyways so chill!

And it''s not yours either, so shuddup and make your own.
quote: Who made you the god of this thread anyways?

Who gave you the right to steal someone else''s thread and use it to advertise totally irrelevant material?
quote: Also, I couldn''t logon, so I posted in someone elses post...

You couldn''t logon? I feel so sorry for you
Make yourself a new profile.
Make your web site or game project known to everyone. If you''re going to spam our board, this is the place to do it!

I kept all my posts within this area... I did nothing wrong. So why are you giving me a hard time?

BTW, have you even heard of Clickteam? Are you always so welcoming to others that would like to post, what THEY want to post, even if it isn''t in their own thread?

If this were SPAM as you presumably assume, then I wouldn''t be responding to your childish, sarcastic and obnoxious posts...

Go away child, this place is for serious game designers... That is why I am here to let everyone know when there are deals out there not worth missing, concerning game development.

If you don''t benefit from my post, then go harrass someone else that is blatently violating the board or YOUR OWN thread

-AP (as you called me before)
Serious game designers don''t use clickteam products.
quote: Original post by FuzzyBunny
Serious game designers don''t use clickteam products.

LOL. Someone had to say it...

Simple DirectMedia Layer:

Main Site - (
Cone3D Tutorials- (''s Tutorials - (Here)


Main Site - (
NeHe Tutorials - (
Online Books - (Red Book) (Blue Book)
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Just want to mension the new version of RoX 1.12 being available for download at Also a new level collection of 22 levels has been uploaded. These levels are high quality made, and some are very tough.

Thanks you all for trying this game.
Dmitriy Safro------------------------------------------------------------For the best freeware game in the world visit
Hey guys, I think AP has good point. To say that Clickteam products reflect a non serious game developer is so far from the truth.

I''ve had first hand experience with the ''Click'' products, and I know you can design ''Professional'' games & applications.

Don''t limit your minds to what you preceive to be the ''perfect'' game design tool. One day someone will show you up with a design, using only the bare essentials...and your pride will be crushed.
The real problem with ClickTeam products is that it makes it possible for a complete idiot to make a game, and this results in a very high crap::quality ratio. It''s still possible to find good games made with ClickTeam products, although even in the most enjoyable ones, I''ve found bugs that would never have occured if the game had been made the "traditional" way.
Man... this is one great game, you did a really great job on it.
However, a bug occured to me on the credits page (after you hit exit). it says "press any key to exit", or something like that. Well, I press it, but nothing happends, I have to close it by using Ctrl + Alt + del. My computer is a PentiumII 233Hz, Voodoo3, DirectX8.1, 160Mg RAM and the game is in the version 1.12.

EDIT - forget about this bug, I think I was doing something wrong, perhaps pressing Alt + Tab in the midlle of the game. It closed like it should me when I didn´t minimized it.

Edited by - algumacoisaqualquer on February 20, 2002 12:38:14 PM

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