
Please check out this free game

Started by January 28, 2002 02:16 PM
35 comments, last by Safrosoft 22 years, 6 months ago
I''ve been working hard on this for over 5 months, and finally it is done. A boulderdash/supaplex clone using directX8, with tough levels and addictive gameplay. The game is totaly free, and I would greatly appreciate any kind of responce. You can download it at I would like to thank the people on this site, and the site itself for helping me finish this game. Dmitriy Safro
Sorry man i haven''t tried the game, to be honset the 8.xx meg download scared me off.

Have you thought of creating a smaller demo thats a bit easier to swallow, i know a lot of us have nice fat DSL or cable connections now but there are a lot of us still stuck on 56K or worse, the best i can manage is 36K (on a good day). Just an idea.


Ignorance is bliss, then you go and spoil it by learning stuff
/* Ignorance is bliss, then you go and spoil it by learning stuff */
Sorry, but there is no demo. This game is full release, and the biggest part is the music and runtime files. I have a 56k modem, it doesn''t take long to DL. The game is worth it.
I have cable, i''m about to download it. Maybe you should divide it up into several .zip files for people on dial-up.
___________________________________________________________Where to find the intensity (Updated Dec 28, 2004)Member of UBAAG (Unban aftermath Association of Gamedev)
Dude, this is the best game i''ve ever played. very addictive! the graphics and sounds are awesome. Extremely profeccional and polished. Im already working on new levels.

Great Game!
Graphics are ok, gameplay a good mix of arcade / puzzle, music got a very pro feeling.
Im sure my mom would love that game
Without a doubt a great game.
Awsome!!! This is a great game. It''s definately worth the download!

Simple DirectMedia Layer:

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Cone3D Tutorials- (''s Tutorials - (Here)


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Online Books - (Red Book) (Blue Book)
------------------------------Put THAT in your smoke and pipe it
Very nice! Challenging and fun :-D


-------------------"Pointer?" -Anonymous-=Xelius=-
Took awhile to download with my 56k dialup. But it was worth it!
Cool game play,graphics,sound effects,options,and everything.
Cool Game.

"A man can't just sit around." 'Lawn Chair' Larry Walters (1982)

Edited by - Tracy on February 2, 2002 3:37:57 PM
"A man can't just sit around." 'Lawn Chair' Larry Walters (1982)

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