
Game Motivation

Started by January 27, 2002 07:34 PM
37 comments, last by Grellin 22 years, 6 months ago
I have been planning a game and while doing so, I had to ask myself what it was that made me want to play a game. Suspense. That brought me to remembering some old Alfred Hitchcock movies. Not fancy in the special FX department but good none the less. That brought me to looking at real crimes, nothing like reality to keep you on the edge. I found a picture of a crime scene that was interesting and thought I would share it since it gave me the final motivation for my game. Ok, this link will display the picture of a crime sceene. If you look at the door in the back of the picture you will be able to see a clue that will tell you who commited the murder. It was not easy to see, took me about a minute to spot it. But if I can find it, anyone can. Just keep focued on the door and you will get it. Then you will understand my motivation. Good luck and let me know if you had any trouble finding it. Oh and so you dont ruin it for others please dont say what the clue is in a post. Murder Scene Pic Grellin Don't sit and complain about a program, make a better one or shut up! Edited by - grellin on January 27, 2002 10:45:52 PM
Steven Bradley .:Personal Journal:. .:WEBPLATES:. .:CGP Beginners Group:. "Time is our most precious resource yet it is the resource we most often waste." ~ Dr. R.M. Powell
Wow, that was interesting. I see what you mean.
I found it. Not bad!
That was great, thanks Grellin.

I agree with Buzzy. By the way, what type of game is it you are planning, if you don''t mind me asking?
Thanks for that Grellin, I'll buy your game!

Edited by - kwizatz on January 27, 2002 12:41:23 AM
Awesome.. Need I say more... Scared the Ba-Jesus out of me and my wife. That was fun. Good luck on your game.
Cheers!Iron Chef"BAM"
Jesus, that was good. Heh heh.
Cool, it was Mr. Greene with the revolver, hehe...
Didn''t I see this already in the lounge?
Still a cool pic though B-)

(Gorgeous graphics)+(beautiful sound effects)+(symphonic music)+(no gameplay) != Good game
-------------------------GBGames' Blog: An Indie Game Developer's Somewhat Interesting ThoughtsStaff Reviewer for Game Tunnel

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