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Bad performance with Multi Threading - overhead of thread creation?

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4 comments, last by JoeJ 4 years, 6 months ago

I tried to get some simple MT for voxelization using std::thread, but performance is terrible.

The code does this:

Divide the space into smaller cubes of voxels, dispatch one std::thread for each. These cubes are like leaf nodes of an octree.

After (a configurable multiple) of 8 leafs has been dispatched, join first group of its 8 threads, compress results and build the hierarchy bottom up. (This is done in the main tread but probably not relevant.)

After that, dispatch 8 new voxelization threads and ensure the total number of concurrent threads stays at a constant number. I always create new threads here and do not use a thread pool like i would do. I thought a job system would be overkill for a preprocessing tool.

To isolate the bad threading performance i have replaced voxelization with just clearing the memory, so there is no work done other than copying memory around. Also compression is off and cube per thread is small.

With this setting, i get this release timings on 8-core Ryzen, Win10, and a 512^3 volume of empty space (2MB):

Single threaded: 10ms (expected with some other things going on per frame).

Multi threaded: 3.4 seconds, launching a total 4096 threads over time. (Changing max concurrent threads count between 8-64 has not much effect.)

Strange: Running Diagnostic Tools for CPU usage i only get 340ms with MT, showing thread constructor taking 30% if the time but nothing else:

Function Name	Total CPU (%)	Self CPU (%)	Total CPU (ms)	Self CPU (ms)	Module
 - [External Code]	100.00%	60.24%	12880	7759	43 modules
   - __scrt_common_main_seh	33.51%	0.00%	4316	0	GIPreProcess.exe
     - WinMain	33.48%	0.00%	4312	0	GIPreProcess.exe
       - VisMesh::VisualizeLMUVBuilder	30.75%	0.01%	3960	1	GIPreProcess.exe
         - MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume::VoxelizeBox	30.26%	0.09%	3898	12	GIPreProcess.exe
           + std::thread::thread<void (__cdecl MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume::*)(MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume::TaskData & __ptr64) __ptr64,MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume * __ptr64 const,std::reference_wrapper<MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume::TaskData>,void>	26.48%	0.00%	3411	0	GIPreProcess.exe
             [External Code]	1.79%	1.79%	230	230	4 modules
           + MeshProcessing::VoxelVolume::VisTaskData	0.84%	0.00%	108	0	GIPreProcess.exe
           + ImGui::TextColored	0.47%	0.00%	60	0	GIPreProcess.exe

So my question is: Can it be that the cost of launching / joining a thread is indeed close to 1 ms?

I knew this has some overhead but that's hard to believe.

Maybe i did something wrong, so posting code as well.


		bool VoxelizeBox (
			const vec center, const float scale, 
			const int brickDimensionX, const int brickDimensionY, const int brickDimensionZ, 
			bool vis)
static int taskLevelsX = 2; ImGui::DragInt("voxHierarchyLevels", &taskLevelsX, 0.01f);
static int compressionX = 0; ImGui::DragInt("compression (NONE, SVO, DAG)", &compressionX, 0.01f);
static bool multiThreading = 1; ImGui::Checkbox("multiThreading", &multiThreading);
static int threadFactor = 8; ImGui::DragInt("threadFactor", &threadFactor, 0.01f);
static bool lowRes = 1; ImGui::Checkbox("lowRes", &lowRes);
static bool voxelize = 1; ImGui::Checkbox("[-voxelize-]", &voxelize);
static int visLevel = 6; ImGui::DragInt("visLevel", &visLevel, 0.01f);
			voxelizationSettings.globalCenter = center;
			//voxelizationSettings.compression = DAG;
			voxelizationSettings.compression = CompressionType(compressionX);

			int maxDim = max(max(brickDimensionX, brickDimensionY), brickDimensionZ);
			int base = WidthToBase(maxDim);

			voxelizationSettings.taskLevels = taskLevelsX; // 3 or 4 seems practical
			voxelizationSettings.taskBrickBase = ((voxelizationSettings.taskLevels-1)*2);

			int bricksPerTask = BaseToWidth(voxelizationSettings.taskBrickBase);
			int subdivRes = maxDim / bricksPerTask;
			int subdivLevels = WidthToBase(subdivRes);
			int subdivVol = BaseToVolume(subdivLevels);
			maxDim = bricksPerTask<<subdivLevels;
			voxelizationSettings.scale = scale * float(bricksPerTask) / 4;

ImGui::Text("voxelVol %i^3  maxDim %i  bricksPerTask %i  subdivRes %i   \nsubdivLevels %i  subdivVol %i  voxBrickBase %i", 
	maxDim*4, maxDim, bricksPerTask, subdivRes, subdivLevels, subdivVol, voxelizationSettings.taskBrickBase);
RenderPoint (center, 1,1,1);
vec boxDim(	float(brickDimensionX) * scale/2,
			float(brickDimensionY) * scale/2,
			float(brickDimensionZ) * scale/2);
RenderAABBox(center-boxDim, center+boxDim, 1,1,1);
vec cubeDim(float(maxDim) * scale/2);
vec cubeCenter = center-boxDim + cubeDim;
RenderAABBox(cubeCenter-cubeDim, cubeCenter+cubeDim, 1,0,0);
vec taskDim(float(bricksPerTask) * scale/2);

if (!voxelize) return false;

			struct VoxTask
				std::array<std::thread, 8> thread;
				std::array<TaskData, 8> data;
			struct MergeTask
				std::array<TaskData, 8> data;
				bool ready;

				MergeTask ()
					ready = false;

			int numVoxTasks = subdivVol/8;
			int numVoxWorkers = threadFactor;

			std::vector<VoxTask> voxTasks (numVoxWorkers);
			std::vector<MergeTask> mergeTask (subdivLevels);

int dbgDispatchedThreadsCount = 0;

			int workIterations = numVoxTasks + numVoxWorkers;
			for (int workIndex = 0; workIndex < workIterations; workIndex++)
				// start to merge child trees form main thread after enough threads filled up with voxelization work
				if (workIndex >= numVoxWorkers)
					int mergeTaskIndex = (workIndex + (numVoxWorkers)) % numVoxWorkers;
					VoxTask &task = voxTasks[mergeTaskIndex];
					int morton = (workIndex - (numVoxWorkers))*8;
					uint64_t x,y,z;
					MortonToCoords3D (x,y,z, morton, subdivLevels);
					uint64_t px=(x>>1), py=(y>>1), pz=(z>>1);
					uint64_t parentMorton = Coords3DToMorton(px,py,pz, subdivLevels-1);
					for (int i=0; i<8; i++)
						if (multiThreading && task.thread[i].joinable()) 
						if (vis && visLevel==task.data[i].brickBase) VisTaskData (task.data[i], lowRes);

					// merge if 8 voxelization tasks done
					ExecuteMergeTask(mergeTask[0].data[parentMorton & 7], task.data, parentMorton);
					mergeTask[0].ready = ((parentMorton & 7) == 7);

ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(0,1,0,1), " merge from voxelization task[%i]: morton %08x -> %08x  task.data->mergeTask[0].data[%i]", 
	mergeTaskIndex, morton, parentMorton, parentMorton & 7);	
if (vis && visLevel==mergeTask[0].data[parentMorton & 7].brickBase) VisTaskData (mergeTask[0].data[parentMorton & 7], lowRes);

					// merge upwards the hierarchy
					for (int level = 0; level<subdivLevels-1; level++)
						if (mergeTask[level].ready)
							uint64_t childMorton = mergeTask[level].data[0].morton;
							uint64_t x,y,z;
							MortonToCoords3D (x,y,z, childMorton, subdivLevels-1-level);
							uint64_t px=(x>>1), py=(y>>1), pz=(z>>1);
							uint64_t parentMorton = Coords3DToMorton(px,py,pz, subdivLevels-2-level);

							ExecuteMergeTask(mergeTask[level+1].data[parentMorton & 7], mergeTask[level].data, parentMorton);
							mergeTask[level+1].ready = ((parentMorton & 7) == 7);
							mergeTask[level].ready = false;

ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(0,1,1,1), "  merge from merge. Base %i  morton %08x -> %08x  mergeTask[%i].data->mergeTask[%i].data[%i]", 
	mergeTask[level+1].data[parentMorton & 7].brickBase, childMorton, parentMorton, level, level+1, parentMorton & 7);						
if (vis && visLevel==mergeTask[level+1].data[parentMorton & 7].brickBase) VisTaskData (mergeTask[level+1].data[parentMorton & 7], lowRes);

				// dispatch voxelization threads
				if (workIndex < numVoxTasks)
					int voxTaskIndex = workIndex % numVoxWorkers;
					VoxTask &task = voxTasks[voxTaskIndex];
					int morton = workIndex*8;
ImGui::TextColored(ImVec4(1,0,0,1), "voxelization task[%i]: morton %08x", voxTaskIndex, morton);

					for (int i=0; i<8; i++, morton++)
						uint64_t x,y,z;
						MortonToCoords3D (x,y,z, morton, subdivLevels);
						vec taskCenter = vec(float(x)+0.5f, float(y)+0.5f, float(z)+0.5f);
						taskCenter = center-boxDim + taskCenter * (float(bricksPerTask) * scale);

						task.data[i].localCenter = taskCenter;
						task.data[i].scale = voxelizationSettings.scale;
						task.data[i].morton = morton;
						task.data[i].brickBase = voxelizationSettings.taskBrickBase;

						if (multiThreading) task.thread[i] = std::thread(
							&VoxelVolume::ExecuteVoxelizationTask, this, std::ref(task.data[i]));
							ExecuteVoxelizationTask (task.data[i]);


TaskData &result = mergeTask[subdivLevels-1].data[0];
ImGui::Text("total RAW size %i", result.bricks.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
ImGui::Text("total SVO size %i", result.svo.size() * sizeof(uint64_t));
ImGui::Text("total DAG size %i", result.dag.size() * sizeof(uint32_t) + result.dagBrickDictionary.size() * sizeof(uint64_t)); 
ImGui::Text("dbgDispatchedThreadsCount %i", dbgDispatchedThreadsCount); 

			return true;	


Creating a new thread isn't so cheap that creating and destroying thousands of them is a good idea. Based on https://stackoverflow.com/questions/18274217/how-long-does-thread-creation-and-termination-take-under-windows it looks like around 0.2ms per thread is a reasonable estimate on Windows, but it depends on what exactly you're measuring.

You almost certainly want to use some kind of thread pool, where you start up approximately one thread per spare CPU core, and run tasks on them. Windows has an API for that: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/procthread/thread-pool-api. There's also other libraries like https://github.com/intel/tbb

The other thing to watch out for is that if you have multiple threads writing data to the same CPU cache line, that can hurt performance as they all fight over it. There's some discussion of that at https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46919032/why-does-using-the-same-cache-line-from-multiple-threads-not-cause-serious-slowd

I think you're launching too many threads.

Ok, thanks for confirmation. Will use a pool...

... works well. Now i get an overhead of acceptable 200 ms to enable MT and do the sync, and in practice it's a speedup of 7 in best cases. :)

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