
Looking for all skills for my on-going MMORPG project

Started by May 13, 2019 12:01 PM
13 comments, last by NeoBrea 5 years, 3 months ago

Hello :) 

I am a full-time professional developer so the current spare time I have been putting towards this has only been a few hours a week for the past few months. I was determined to put out a 3D MMORPG game, and I wanted to do it on my own. However, the sheer amount of work that goes into creating an MMO means that unless I cut corners (which I do not do), I will be working on this game for about 10 years.

So I am looking for anyone who is willing to contribute to the game in some way. Story, Art, Assets, Mapping, Sound,Design. Chances are if it helps make up an MMO, and you have a skill in that area, then I need your help.

I have the software development covered but if anyone else wants to assist me with some programming I would more than welcome the help, providing you have a somewhat decent understanding of C++ or would be willing to be very studious in learning. Game Development has been my hobby since I learnt to code, but this is the first time I am making anything on this scale, my previous projects have been smaller and non-MMO games that I have been able to develop myself with the help of some assets provided by others. I am looking for other hobbyists in their respective skills who want to be a part of a bigger project, and want to have fun and learn new things whilst doing it.

I am realistic in my goals, the MMO market is very competitive and the odds are that we will never make much money or ever finish the game completely due to the sheer size and amount of content an MMO game needs. That is okay with me, as it is a hobby and I enjoy the process. (I always dream of making it big though!) It would be beneficial for all involved if you kept a similar mindset as well :) 

 The game's project page is a little bare as I have only just created the page today, but I will have some artwork/screenshots & videos going up there over the next few days. If you aren't really interested in getting stuck in with development, I would appreciate if you at least give me a follow so you can keep up with any updates and see my game coming to life.




If you are interested, add me on discord: Powermadmatt#4706, PM me on here, or write a comment below. Let me know what your particular skill is and I will contact you further and fill you in on the project so far.


What are your plans to maintain, support and continue to develop this game after it goes live?

Do you have any plans to bring anyone on board with the skills of player relations, customer service, payment and subscription support, server/network administration?

Do you have any financial plans in place to cover the hosting costs of this game in the longer term, and how many players do you expect to have at any one time in-game?

How do you plan to market this game at release and afterwards?

Good luck!

4 minutes ago, Brain said:


What are your plans to maintain, support and continue to develop this game after it goes live?

Do you have any plans to bring anyone on board with the skills of player relations, customer service, payment and subscription support, server/network administration?

Do you have any financial plans in place to cover the hosting costs of this game in the longer term, and how many players do you expect to have at any one time in-game?

How do you plan to market this game at release and afterwards?

Good luck!

Firstly, I will patch the game and support as and when necessary. If it ever got to that stage honestly I would be setting maintenance schedules and hiring some extra help. 

Currently I have no plans for those skills due to the games early prototype stage, I mean I have a server that is running now that can be logged into and view other players so I am not thinking anymore about networking until Pre-alpha. I have the resources to be able to scale performance as necessary if it came to that stage.


I have enough financial health to get the game running and keep it up for a few months without any input. However if the game made no money I would have to pull it. The game will have a large map but will be instanced by region into smaller servers :) 

Lastly I will run a crowdfunding/kickstarter if we ever get close to release. I have what it takes but honestly I need another few people with a similar attitude to make it happen

3 minutes ago, Matt Cockram said:

Firstly, I will patch the game and support as and when necessary. If it ever got to that stage honestly I would be setting maintenance schedules and hiring some extra help. 

Currently I have no plans for those skills due to the games early prototype stage, I mean I have a server that is running now that can be logged into and view other players so I am not thinking anymore about networking until Pre-alpha. I have the resources to be able to scale performance as necessary if it came to that stage.


I have enough financial health to get the game running and keep it up for a few months without any input. However if the game made no money I would have to pull it. The game will have a large map but will be instanced by region into smaller servers :)

Lastly I will run a crowdfunding/kickstarter if we ever get close to release. I have what it takes but honestly I need another few people with a similar attitude to make it happen

Nice to know!

I think so long as you start small and don't grow too quick, you will be fine. Good luck with the project and i hope you find some volunteers!

2 minutes ago, Brain said:

Nice to know!

I think so long as you start small and don't grow too quick, you will be fine. Good luck with the project and i hope you find some volunteers!

Thank you :) I am hoping that it will be a nice addition into a portfolio for a student or junior developer, writers designer or what have you. If it ever becomes a success that would be great but it's an awesome hobby more than anything and see where it goes

Can you tell us anything more about the gane other than "it's an mmorpg"?

5 minutes ago, ptietz said:

Can you tell us anything more about the gane other than "it's an mmorpg"?

It's fairly barebones at the moment, it is a fantasy MMO and I haven't thought of a name for it yet. At the moment I have a server set-up and code to process the login, a game world which will accept logins and you can see other players. I have started to develop the terrain and there is a world with a limited environment, some mobs, instances, basic quests, items, and abilities with mounts and I am developing an instance raid designed for 10 players. I am finishing polishing up some of the work I have done so far and I am going to release screenshots & videos then, not really got anything exciting to release until then. Why, are you interested?

Character customisation, hours of content, a large detailed game world, sound, assets etc; these are things that my game are missing. I can just keep adding coded instances, quests, etc; but I am looking for others to do some of the other tasks like writing quest text or designing assets for my mesh characters.

Hey Matt,

This looks amazing, I was thinking of doing this myself but you are right in it being a daunting task with a lot of stuff to do. I am a programmer, I work for a company which runs an MMO so I know a little bit about what I am doing, so would love to join you in your efforts.

However I have no programmed in C++ for a while so will be a little rusty (I use an in-house language at work). Also with 2 young kids I'm not sure how much I will be able to contribute on a daily basis. However as stated I would be willing to help with the cause if you would allow it.



Happy coding!

10 hours ago, Asherz said:

Hey Matt,

This looks amazing, I was thinking of doing this myself but you are right in it being a daunting task with a lot of stuff to do. I am a programmer, I work for a company which runs an MMO so I know a little bit about what I am doing, so would love to join you in your efforts.

However I have no programmed in C++ for a while so will be a little rusty (I use an in-house language at work). Also with 2 young kids I'm not sure how much I will be able to contribute on a daily basis. However as stated I would be willing to help with the cause if you would allow it.



Hello Asherz!


I started with the dream but after a few months I didn't have a great deal of progress so I started looking for help the other day! Programming is my only skill and I heavily underestimated how far just programming could get me - so far I have had a Writer, Voice Actor, 2 Composers, a programmer, and a designer & modeller approach me :) we would welcome you to join, the more help we get the faster it gets off the ground!


It's fine if you are a little rusty, C++ is my hobby language my 9-5 involves Python & some PHP & Js work mostly. I have the MMO side of things mostly done, we can manage server resources, item tables & other databases like NPCs, Spells, etc all in the web - we can assign zones to specific server instances so we can scale as necessary. So far I have all instances running on my 1 demo server but for production we can go as far as having 1 specific zone running on 1 single server, with each having their own dedicated server for maximum performance.


As far as the game world goes, there is a scripted instance and a basic zone, 1 character model, some mobs, a basic quest, and you can earn XP and level up and assign new points to a skill tree to unlock new spells. The focus now can be basically generating new content for the game world


If that sounds interesting then I would love to have you, we are preparing this week to get what we do have really polished so we can get a demo out there. The server is far enough in development for me to put out a demo build (only for people involved on the project) so we can give it a little test, we are gonna be using Git which I am gonna set-up hopefully later today


If it sounds interesting, PM me on here I will invite you to our Discord :) we are just doing it as a hobby project with a rev share agreement being drafted if we ever get to release, anything you create you own and feel free to use it on your website/portfolio or whatever and say "I made that"

Hi there,

I am an audio person who specializes in Foley and sound design for visual media and I would love to possibly get involved in this project and help you out! Shoot me a message if you are interested!



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