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Project BlockchainZ [Available on itch.io]

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21 comments, last by ARF Initiative 5 years, 1 month ago

[BzLog 8]: Weapons everywhere!


Sometimes happens. You feel like the most incredible hero around the world ready to command your troops against the hordes of zombies. This is something you are already feeling. Because deep inside of your heart, you know there is a leader capable to do whatever it takes to keep your people alive. And that's why Project BlockchainZ exists, to provide you the weapons and troops to save the world. But remember, we are just a concept game, so first we need you to save the bunker in order to save the world. This bloody bunker is crowded of helpless people, desperate to survive, and you are their last hope. Be a soldier, be a captain, be a hero, be a damn zombie killer! No matter how you name yourself, just shoot them all! 

And please, don't let them hurt you.


As a leader, you have the responsibility to command your troops and arrange the soldiers. Every single order matters. Do your strategy, do it quickly and do it for your people. Get ready for the worst enemy in the whole world: zombies. And use all the weapons at your dispossal. Everything counts.


Your bloody weapons

  • Gun. Very agile and really useful when you have no riffle ammo.
  • Rifle. Your beloved weapon right now. Aim, shoot and reload!
  • Shotgun. Wanna kill zombies cooler?  We've just included this weapon because you deserve it and zombies too.
  • Grenades. Zombies are everywhere! Just throw it out and see what happens.



                                  Project BlockchainZ - shotgun

                                  Project BlockchainZ - Grenades


Make your weapons destroyer: use Bz Ammo

Because we know you are in the middle of the battle and zombies are getting closer, you can use a better ammo to kill them all: BlockchainZ Ammo, aka Bz Ammo. You gotta spoil it from the raiders supply depot. 


                                  Project Blockchainz - Bz Ammo


Remember the Bullet Time? Enjoy (guiño)

                                  Project BlcockhainZ - Bullet Time


Weapons in the future

Right now, we are thinking of new weapons to be included in the game. Something to throw grenades farther (does anybody say bazooka?), but not extremely powerful to kill zombies, because of the game balance. Remember that for now this is a scifi video game and we are still discussing the lore behind and so the graphics. That means we are open to new ideas. If anybody has an idea about a new kind of weapon, just let us know! You can comment here and talk about it in our Discord Server. Feel free to participate, this blank canvas game will be awesome thanks to you!

Project BlockchainZ - Discord

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z


I had a chance to play your game.  I recorded my playthrough, my recording program really didn't want to keep all the frames though:

- The 3rd person shoot mechanics are all very solid.  The guns feel good, the aiming feels good, the zombies don't feel too "bullet spongy"

- My squad mates make a real difference

- I like the dynamic overworld and the ability to choose different actions

- This game really struggled on my laptop.  I don't have the most powerful of machines.

- It would be nice to have a click and drag to select multiple platoons (Starcraft style)

- I tried to give orders to my squad, but I couldn't get it to work (3:20)

- There is a lot of information dumped right at the beginning of the level.  It would have been nice to spread it out a little bit.

Overall I think this has a lot of potential.  I'm not normally a fan of "Tower Defense" games, but Blockchain Z add enough fresh ideas that I'm willing to give it a try.



2 hours ago, jbarrios said:

I had a chance to play your game.  I recorded my playthrough, my recording program really didn't want to keep all the frames though:

- The 3rd person shoot mechanics are all very solid.  The guns feel good, the aiming feels good, the zombies don't feel too "bullet spongy"

- My squad mates make a real difference

- I like the dynamic overworld and the ability to choose different actions

- This game really struggled on my laptop.  I don't have the most powerful of machines.

- It would be nice to have a click and drag to select multiple platoons (Starcraft style)

- I tried to give orders to my squad, but I couldn't get it to work (3:20)

- There is a lot of information dumped right at the beginning of the level.  It would have been nice to spread it out a little bit.

Overall I think this has a lot of potential.  I'm not normally a fan of "Tower Defense" games, but Blockchain Z add enough fresh ideas that I'm willing to give it a try.



Hey man, you made our day! 

Thanks a lot for giving it a try. It's nice to have your feedback. Actually, this week we gonna upload a new patch with lots of improvements, so keep in touch, you rather play the new version ;)

BTW, "bullet spongy" zombies? lol

We will improve it, don't worry! hahaha

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

[BzLog 9]: Why BlockchainZ Ammo will save you from death?

People say the only way to kill a zombie is by shooting in its head. What if this is not an ordinary zombie? What if this creature is something... rare. And we mean something stranger than the original zombie concept. Because maybe you would need more than one bullet in its head to destroy this horrible enemy.

What if there's a better way to kill this damn creature? Something really rare to find in this shattered world but extremely useful to your purpose. Well... it already exists: it's called BlockchainZ Ammo, and there's only one place where you will find it.


Project BlockchainZ - Find Bz Storages


Bz Ammo, I choose you.


Project BlockchainZ - Bz Ammo


When the world has fallen by the zombie menace, people tried so hard to find a cure or something to fight with. As the cure never succeed, civilication created this special kind of ammo, which attacks directly to the zombie brain and erase it in a few seconds. Sounds really good, isn't it? The problem is that BlockchainZ Ammo was really difficult to create, so there's a limit amount of Bz Ammo. Who has it on his power? The blistering raiders.

Life in this ruined world is about surviving at all costs, and that means you must be the one who uses all Bz Ammo as possible to keep your people in safe. So, do not hesitate: go for the Bz Ammo, spoil it and kill all the raiders you have to. Otherwise, zombies will arrive to your bunker and kill your people. There's nothing worse than living in a empty and hopeless place. Save the bunker, save the world.

Why Bz Ammo is so cool?


  • It gives you the chance to kill much more zombies in less time.
  • You can kill zombies with just one shoot. (But not the big ones, they need a little bit more bullets).
  • It helps you reducing the stress that comes to you when you are trapped by a bunch of enemies.
  • It improves your strategy. You can prioritize your targets. Big zombies first!
  • You can combine Bz Ammo with Bullet Time Skill. And enjoy the pleasure of killing zombies.





Feel free to use Bz Ammo whenever you need to. Just a remind: zombies are coming. Your people's life depends on you. Don't waste the Bz Ammo. Every single bullet counts.

Did you use Bz Ammo? Let us know your experience, visit our Discord Server!

Project BlockchainZ - Discord

If you feel ready to save the bunker, and also save the world, let's join Project BlockchainZ!



Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

[BzLog 10]: Future is now. concept Arts!

Hi all,

As you might know, Project BlockchainZ is a concept game and it works as a big blank canvas to create a much more interesting game. These days we've been working a lot in the concept of the environment and the city where the game take place.


Project BlockchainZ - Concept ArtSoldier in solitude

When we started developing the video game, we had the idea to create a huge city completely ruined by thousands of years of struggling. It would be a desolated scenario to play. We believe the city will improve the concept of the worldmap, and the player will experience what means to walk around a place devastated and crowded of terrible menaces. 


Project BlockchainZ - Concept ArtA huge city

One of the most important things about this city is to turn it into a interesting battlefield where the player has to survive, fight , hide, explore...


Project BlockchainZ - Concept Art

Ruined city


 We're talking about a moment far in the future after of centuries of conflict when people have no hopes, no dreams, no food. And not only because of the nature's cruelty, but the human malice. This mega city will be strongly divided in factions and parties, and not only the zombie becomes a menace, but also those who are supposed to be on your side.





We are working so hard in the identity of every faction. Confrontation among factions in a shattered world, a place to die, a battlefield. Seems like a pretty cool idea, it will be plenty of inhabitants, some enemies and others that might cooperate.      


Project BlockchainZ - Concept Art

One of the most important things we imagine about a post-apocalyptic world is to understand the desperation and also the complete desolation the few people alive could ever feel. It's our main purpose to create this devastated environment in order to enrich the idea of the  inhabitants. And we really want to develop it with you and all the community and of course share the improvements each week.


Project BlockchainZ - Concept Art


What do you think about this concepts?  How do you imagine each faction in this ruined world concept? Remember that we are still working on the zombie/monster idea, and we want to develop a new kind of creature that you might love. Anyway, don't forget to give us some feedback! All suggestion are welcome.


Wanna try to save the bunker? Let's download Project BlockchainZ


Feel free to participate in our Discord discussion!

Project BlockchainZ - Discord

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

[BzPatch 2]: Updates and improvements!

Hey everybody!

New Patch is here! Say hello to Patch 1.0.2b (Patch notes below)  A new update with nice improvements for a better game experience. 

Firstly we have reworked so hard the AI, so now they will react much better to the different situations, more work will be added, like advanced behaviors, different animations and there will be more in futures patches!

 Also we've done optimizations in the shooting feedback, first we add some shake to the camera. Also we have been working a lot in the IK stuff so when you shoot the gun move the character's arms and shoulders.  And we have changed nearly all the SFXs for a more interesting version.  Give it a try, you will notice with the first shoot. 

What is IK? 

IK is the acronym for Inverse Kinematics. IK is an animation technique that allows much more responsive animations in games. 


Unfortunatelly, this improvement forces us to turn off the option to disable the Right/Left Angle shooting until the next patch ?

You'll see that now the difficulty level is a little bit more harder (We also took out rookie level), because we want the video game to be a really interesting challenge for every zombie killer. Nobody said that killing zombies was easy. The real challenge is to survive until your reinforcements arrive. 

Finally, and not less important, we have corrected some nasty bugs!

Are you capable to save the bunker? Prove it and save the world:  https://projectblockchainz.itch.io/projectbcz


PSD.: we are still working on the story. And now we are so happy to show you some of the concept arts  we have prepared. 

Check it! 

When we started developing the video game, we had the idea to create a huge city completely ruined by thousands of years of struggling. It would be a desolated scenario... More on the Devlog


What do you think? Let us know on our Discord Server.

Patch Notes:

  • General improve on AI, now the bandits reacts much better.
  • Big optimization in shooting feedback.
    • Camera improvements.
    • SFX improvements.
    • IK optimizations.
    • New SFX for each every weapon.
  • Now the foots adjust to the terrain.
  • The character reacts when is hitted.
  • Fixed zombie speed bug.
  • Not the zombies let some space after attacks.
  • Rookie challenge level removed.
  • Now the challenge level includes the difficulty.
  • Challenge level adjustment in order to create a more interesting challenge for the player.
  • Fixed some related bugs on AI.
  • Aiming by the left is temporarily disabled while improving the character's IK.
  • Now you can't train the last civilian in the bunker.
  • Fixed the bug related to the updates, now it works fine.
  • Some adjustment to max units at the same time, to avoid performance hitccups
  • Minor Bugs

Additionally, we are working on the auto-resolve feature that let the easy battles be done without wasting time  Eg. when you have 20 soldiers and fight against 3 raiders. These kind of battles have no sense at this point, so we believe player doesn't need to waste time them. Just focus in the good ones. Once we have this feature totally balanced and tested, we'll update it in the next update! 

We really hope you enjoy these new improvements. If you find any bug, please tell us right here or through our Discord Server

Project Blockchainz - Discord

Thanks a lot for all the support you are bringing to us. It's great to know how do you feel about Project BlockChainZ. 

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

Hi there!
I just recorded this video. It's just me VS 800 zombies. I won't show you wheter I win or not. Just take a look and see a different way to survive.
BTW, the game is already available on itch.io for free!
Right now, we are discussing about new technologies to include in the gameplay (turrets and drones, maybe). Feel free to participate in the conversation in our Discord Server.

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z


hi there! 

It's been a month since we released Project BlockchainZ. We are so happy with how the things are going on and all your help with every bug, every suggestion and feedback you are giving us through Discord.

That's why we have decided to do a big change, a big improvement. Right now, gameplay is based in keeping the bunker in safe, and we are exploring the idea to level up the worldmap gameplay. we are going to do it with new more events in the worldmap, new ways to trade, new possibilities to interact, and also new technologies to use in the battle.

Besides, we believe game prototype demands better graphics. This is a logical evolution, and even the next version  will still be a prototype, graphics will be improved.

So, at this moment graphics will be more realistic, based in 19th /21th century post-apocaliptic idea. So, we are working so hard on this new version of the game concept. This version will be FTP, too. And moreover we believe this prototype needs a new name
despite the hilarius name we gave to the concept at first time (Project BlockchainZ), we are looking for a new one, more solid, more serious, more interesting.

Well, We have some ideas about the new name for the V2 game (we can call this new version as V2, I think).

BTW, the game concept is already available on itch.io for free!
Right now, we are discussing about this new version on Discord. Feel free to participate in the conversation in our Discord Server.

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

Hey there!

It's nice to see you again. How was everything going on? We are so glad to show you our new fresh Patch, 1.0.3b is ready to be downloaded for all of you, avid zombie killers, courageous trigger-happy soldiers. This Patch is full of improvements, notes about bugs solutions and a few surprises just to drive you crazy like a zombie holding a brain.

Are you ready to find out the latest features and improvements for Project BlockchainZ? Shut up and dance with zombies!

                                                Project Blockchainz


About Project BlockchainZ Patch 1.0.3b

Just because we know how important is the feeling of being a zombie, we have reworked the Reactions, so these noisy hungry creatures will react better to  different situations. It means the undead will not only find the best way to rush over you, but also throw to the floor and feed your body once they kill you. And you will be the bloody witness who presence this pretty carnage, whether you have set the highest quality options or the lowest, thanks to the new performance mode in the options menu which is intended for low systems (Will reduce the number of enemies, but they will be a bit harder)s we have included, with only pressing one single button in settings. But please, do not worry about the zombie attack, because right now your soldiers will shoot them with no doubts. Unlucky, raiders will do the same to you, too. Say thank you to the improvements!

                                                     Project Blockchainz

Don't forget to run away from the enemies, if they are destroying your defenses. Just run like a gazelle would do, trying to scape from the clawns of the lion. But remember that stamina last only so long for a single run, and after that, you will run slower, of course. But not the zombies. So, take a cold head to recover the breath and so stamina in order to think your next step.

We have balanced difficulty level, as many people asked us, and now Commander level is activated, or what people get used to calling the crazy level. Because you are all allowed to kill zombies, whatever the experience you have. And talking about the difficulty range, we have a new feature for you, guys. We believe there is a chance to include a new weapon, something to kill enemies far away from them. Say hello to the sniper riffle, our new pretty toy which gives you the opportunity to kill your targets, no matter how far they are. Just by pressing the middle and right buttons mouse , you will aim your enemy. Do not hesitate: just shoot! It's free!

                                              Project Blockchainz

Now you will have normal speed in bullet time, take advantage!

Time is important , let's soldiers auto resolve battle!

We know sometimes the smallest battles are a bit annoying. They aren't funny, because of these we include the auto resolve option. 

Project BlockChainz - Autoresolve

But be careful! Platoon without your expertise will have much more casualties. Take that in account and let them fight for you sometimes.

Project BlockChainz - Autoresolve - Victory


What happens with the technology research system?

Yeah, we know. It's been a little bit hard to understand how it works. Many questions about how to increase the initial amount, or how to upgrade the technologies for a better use. We've been working on it, so now you will see technology researchment dashboard more suitable and clearer. Besides, we have improved the Battle Mode Hud, in order to give a better feedback when the player wants to build a technology. 

We want you to build things easier, and we truly thing now it's gonna happen. But, if you have any further questions or any suggestion, please give us feedback right here and join us on Discord. We are so open to discuss about it. What makes the player enjoy the game, becomes important to us.

Project Blockchainz

                                             Project Blockchainz


About further development

We are making great strides with the gameplay storyline. Now you can read the whole story of The Soldier Book in our Discord. Besides, you will see a few concept arts about the city environment we are developing and also the factions we are trying to include. Remember graphics are still not set, but we have something special working in progress: right now it is called V2, but it wil be our next step in the prototype evolution. This V2 will contain new graphics, a lot of new features, huge improvements in the worldmap, with new events and situations to play with, and of course a few story behind. This story will be a small step in the massive challenge we are facing: an amazing story that blows your mind and freaks you out like a spark in your brain.

We will share every single step of V2, the next prototype for Project BlockchainZ. So, go for Discord, V2 will worth it!

                                            Project Blockchainz - v2

Patch 1.0.3b Notes:

  • Quality optimizations for low pc systems.
  • SFX improvements while winning or being defeated.
  • Huge optimization in Start Menu.
  • New auto resolve mode, that will avoid your some annoying battles.
  • AI improvement for soldiers and raiders: now they don't stand for some time looking at the enemy withouth shooting.
  • AI improvement for zombies: they find better ways to go over you, and also throw to the floor to eat you when they kill you.
  • Stamina improvement: you run slower when stamina has been spent.
  • Bullet time improvement: now player and bullets act in regular speed while everything goes slower.
  • New crazy level mode: Commander
  • New weapon: sniper riffle with telescopic sight.
  • Fixed some bugs related to battle mode.
  • Big optimization on building feature with new iconography for a better user experience.
  • Fixed some bugs related to Bz Ammo amount. 

We really want you to enjoy these new improvements. By the way, if you find any bug, please tell us right here or through Discord:


Thanks a lot for all the support, soldiers. It's great to know you are enjoying this prototype. Don't forget to follow us for further news. V2 is coming very, really very soon. Long gameplay life to project BlockchainZ!

Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

Hey everybody!

Just because last patch had a few important bugs, we just solved them. And now you can download our latest version on itch.io! Including Hotfix 1.0.3b_h2 notes:

- Fixed bug related to zombies not spawing.

- Fixed bug in battle mode related to allies hud. Now you can only select platoons when they are in.


Hope you feel a better experience killing zombies!

Feel free to download the video game on itch.io!

Do not hesitate to join us on Discord. We are now discussing about the next step in the new version of the prototype!


Join us on Discord: https://discord.gg/PPAed7Z

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