
MCS - Baby Steps

Started by January 20, 2019 05:29 AM
0 comments, last by I3DI 5 years, 7 months ago

I have spent many hours dedicated to advanced blending, shading, modeling and texture art for a game concept that will requires stages.  Think of this in the context of the sims, but far more advanced.  I need someone with a server that can host the Unreal server.  The plant life, very advanced.  The terrain textures very advanced and using blending, GIS, varying liquid textures I am building the foundation for a economic sim first.  The idea initially will be to build businesses in cities and have a character you can customize with basic animations.  Later down the road once world economies are in motion, we will add simulations, politics, governments, and finally combat simulations.  The idea is you can assume any role you would in life, build a life in modern civilization, all connected world wide.  Initially it's very basic, businesses and economies with a customizable male or female character, house or business building.

My company has secured a contract that generates about 120,000.00 USD a year, and those willing to vest in this project will ultimately be paid.  Where is the money?  Well, the idea is to take subscriptions initially but then, money is deposited by players to build their virtual life, career, and each nation will have a government that builds on taxation.  I will add stock markets, housing markets, medical markets, technology markets and resource markets.  The beauty is, since players invest real cash, they can make real cash thru inventions, politics, banking, travel, whatever they set up in the virtual world.  Simply working a job for another players business that pays.  As the economy grows and more players are added, then they supply cash to begin their lives in our virtual world and the ones that make money can simply withdraw into their real world bank accounts.  We simply make our money off fees in transactions that occur in our virtual world.

So to be clear, this is a beginning try out with stages of development.  I will be doing a early release and as players are added, money is invested, this will fund further development.  

Stage 1:

Government, Business and World Setup.  I have completed all texture art necessary to generate a complete earth in very vivid detail.  I am making preset buildings.  But I require assistance in the development of a in game GIS terrain generator.  I will also need help finding a database of cities and their building and maps so we can procedurally generate the cities.  I have iClone and could use another person to help me develop the basic animations for people.  I would like to make a building designer in game, setup zoned properties, making clothing, furniture, and get the economic part of the game setup.

I am seeking someone with a server that can run 24/7, a Unreal game server.  I am seeking one or two artists that can help speed up the basic modeling process for many models.  I personally will deal with the terrain, city and various programming aspects.  I already have done all the architectural textures, detail and base, PBR.  I am doing models, like furniture, fountains, but being able to shift this work to several artists that are consistent would be of real help so I can focus on the programming aspect of this first stage.  I also have a merchant processor so I can run the credit cards and accounts thru them.  If you are willing to vest in this one project, one piece at a time, then I can guarantee once you are proven and consistent, there will be pay.  There are several other stages to building this advanced simulation but this first stage is the simplest and will at least begin a very lucrative money income for the company.

A additional programmer would be of real help that is familiar with C++, Unreal, Blueprints, Materials, GitHub is hard working consistent, and wants to get their foot in the door in game development.

Seeking two artists, 2D knowledgeable in Adobe 

Seeking two artists 3D knowledgeable in Substance, Adobe, Blender, iClone is a bonus

Seeking one individual with a 24/7 server for Beta Testing at no cost.

Tools and accounts are setup and paid for by me.


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