
Only include file in some cases? (c++)

Started by August 01, 2018 08:51 AM
4 comments, last by suliman 6 years, 1 month ago

Can i control it so this include is only made in the project depending on a define? The inclusion adds need for dll, paths and other stuff i dont use in all projects so i would want to toggle it on/off

I know this is not the syntax but you get the idea:

#define ADV_MODE 1

   #include <advLibrary.h>


Sure you can, and it usually takes the form:

#include <header.h>



That's quite close to it!


What you are looking for is the "ifdef" preprocessor directive

#ifdef ADV_MODE
   #include <advLibrary.h>

Or, if you actually want to use its value, a regular "if"

#if ADV_MODE == 1
    #include <advLibrary.h>


#define k 1

#undef k or #define k 0

#ifndef k

#ifdef k



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