
VR based Simulation project faces Spatial Jittering

Started by July 25, 2018 01:17 PM
1 comment, last by swiftcoder 6 years, 1 month ago


We have designed VR project with a large area database and when we are making our aircraft to move around the scene , we are facing a spatial jittering when trying to move far from origin

any solution???.

This is usually a side-effect of how floating-point numbers are represented. Effectively, the further you travel from the origin, the less precision is available.

The simplest mitigation is to switch to doubles instead of floats. That'll buy you significantly more distance from the origin.

You can also switch to using long integers instead of floats. This will eliminate the problem entirely, but may not play well with all the other float math going on in your existing codebase.

Finally, you might consider virtualising the origin, such that it moves around with the player. This will probably require the most effort of all, but it works very well in practice, and may be necessary if you are using a 3rd-party physics engine or such that isn't amenable to being modified.

(also moving you to a programming forum, since this is not a game design question)

Tristam MacDonald. Ex-BigTech Software Engineer. Future farmer. []

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