
Weird shoulder rotation

Started by July 15, 2018 07:04 PM
2 comments, last by Scouting Ninja 6 years, 1 month ago
Okay, so I am making a character controller in Unity of a 3D model. it got two layers of animation - the base layer works perfectly fine but the 1st layer in which the character holds a flash light. The animation works fine until the arm starts behaving weirdly when the shoulder is rotated upside or downwards. I am attaching a video along with this
if someone knows how to do it then please let me know. It would be a great help
I have used IK for this. Set the IK target to the torch but it still didn't work

Yeah, I can't see anything in that video.  Use screen capture software instead of your phone and turn the gizmos off.  There's a giant camera gizmo covering his shoulders.


The problem is very simple, you have too many possibilities. You need to reduce the amount of possible IK solutions.

Constraints should be first. Human arms have limits that reduce possible movement. Second should be pole vector. This is some kind of best case solution, often targeted by the elbow or knee, that the solution should strive for.

With pole vectors and constraints you will be set for basic animations like this.

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