
Codeblocks and Assimp setup procedures

Started by May 26, 2018 07:27 AM
7 comments, last by Alberth 6 years, 3 months ago

COULD SOMEONE PLZ GIVE ME SOME PROPER INSTRUCTIONS STEP BY STEP how to successfully install ASSIMP to work with CODEBLOCKS i've been waiting for years searching. Its that what finally brought me here. Someone here must have a solid hard knowledge how to get it done step by step without issuses later on to worry about and deal with. 

Please reply with assistance

I don't know the answer (never even touched codeblocks, and assimp only one time), but in general people here are busy, and writing step-by-step instructions is a lot of work.

It's much more efficient if you show what you tried, and where you get stuck. Explain in details what fails (including the actual error message, it may mean not much to you, but someone with experience can derive a great deal of information from it, in general). Also explain what you expected to happen, and if possible, what did you try (and with what result) to fix the problem?

Ie make it as simple as possible for someone who knows to give you an answer that allows you to get going again.


Did you try in a codeblocks forum by the way? People here use lots of different software, and only a few use codeblocks. A forum about codeblocks is much more likely to give you assistance, as literally everybody there knows at least about codeblocks.


Thanks for the response. Im gonna try and get it done again in code blocks using cmake. Then im gonna report my usual issues. thank as well for the codeblocks forum suggestion didnt know that existed since i never came across it in Google when searching. Im gonna join 1 though as well. its gonna take some time though maybe some hrs or more.

I don't know if it exists, but given the Internet has a forum about just about anythng, I'd be highly surprised if a forum about codeblocks doesn't exist. The usual place to find such a resource is not Google, it's normally the site where you get information and the manual about codeblocks, and where you can download it.

In my experience, Google tends to give highly specific and fragmented information that is hard to understand without knowing the context. It's a time-wasting resource if you want to have in-depth and complete information about some topic.

Ok it been a while i've tried joining a codeblock forum but they had no intention to help me say its not a codeblock issues end of discussion. Basically that's their attitude towards me. SO i did some digging and found out myself . So heres what i did i used CMAKE to build the ASSIMP files and whens thats done i used codeblock ide to access and then build the solution file named Assimp which is a ' CBP ' file. check the 1st pic below at the bottom of this file. Then i opened the file Assimp.cbp with codeblocks then got an image looking like the 2nd image in the upper left corner of the codeblocks interface at the bottom of this file.

I then right clicked Assimp with colorful square infront of it that kind of look like the microsoft logo then clicked the build option. it started out alright then eventual gave this error below:

 cannot convert 'CRITICAL_SECTION* {aka _CRITICAL_SECTION*}' to '_RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION*' .1806760505_builderror.PNG.71e05e0443546e2eec16e91819681e67.PNG 

So please how can i fix it. U said earlier that i should get more specific well here it is my issue.

If any codeblock assimp users that got it to work is there please let them me know or maybe u know now that u've seen the specifics.

my assimp version is 4.10 by the way and i'm using codeblock version 17.12.

hope u can help.


assimp buid pic.PNG

Assimp 2nd pic.PNG

Googling that error message leads me to

which squarely points at a compiler problem, so indeed, it's not a codeblocks issue :)

Other links also point to mingw, eg


Do you use a mingw compiler as the SO question does indicate that???

SO question also suggests a work-around that you can try.


On 5/29/2018 at 9:52 PM, Alberth said:

Googling that error message leads me to

which squarely points at a compiler problem, so indeed, it's not a codeblocks issue :)

Other links also point to mingw, eg


Do you use a mingw compiler as the SO question does indicate that???

SO question also suggests a work-around that you can try.


OK i now its been quite sometimes but i found a way to build Assimp using a TDM-GCC Mingw instead of the normal plain MinGw. However i still found my self stuck at other places. So i decided to leave it for now and to return to it later on. Im just gonna try visual studio to do my stuff for now. So thanks anyways and i really appreciate ur efforts Alberth.

Ok, I hope that works better for you.

If you want more information about what is going on (so you can understand what the error is about at all), you should read about how a C/C++ compiler works, with compile steps and linking steps, and how libraries are resolved.

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