
Inventory System in unity

Started by May 22, 2018 07:02 PM
2 comments, last by ptietz 6 years, 3 months ago

Ok, firstly, Hi.


This is my first post on this forum. I am an Indie Dev making my first game so bear with me when I say dumb stuff, I'm on a huge learning curve.


My first question is about inventory systems for unity. I am trying to make a survival type game with crafting. I have purchased Inventory manager pro by devdog from the unity asset store and it seems like a pretty powerful assett but for an intermediate coder its a little tough to use.  I'm beginning to wonder if it was the right purchase.

So my question is.... does anyone have any experience of inventory plugins / systems for unity and can anyone reccomend a system to me?

It needs to have the following: Loot system, crafting system, character sheet, blueprint system,  character stats system. Ideally with as little coding as possible.



1 hour ago, SickTwistGames said:

  I'm beginning to wonder if it was the right purchase.

It was not the right purchase and not not for the reasons you think.

It's because you can't make a game of that level in Unity without programming. :) In fact any game of a decent size and options will require at least basic programming. 

1 hour ago, SickTwistGames said:

So my question is.... does anyone have any experience of inventory plugins / systems for unity and can anyone reccomend a system to me?

It needs to have the following: Loot system, crafting system, character sheet, blueprint system,  character stats system.

Even if you somehow found a perfect inventory system for Unity, you will just keep running into things you can't do because you don't know how to program.

Programming is much easier than you would expect, or at least what you need to know for games is. You don't need to be a professional programmer to make games but you will need to know the basics.


If you want help with making a inventory just ask around here, it's something that almost any developer can make.

For learning the basics of programming you can start here: You only need the basics but if you want you can also learn the advance stuff.


You will either need to learn programming or hire a programmer, the system you want is too complex.


I personally use InventoryPro as well. So I can say, you really don't need much coding, except for special item categories. You can even manage stats without any line of code. You might want to watch the tutorials rather than the docs on the site, they're much better.

However, for situations like "if item x is used, spawn prefab y", you will not get around at least some lines of code.

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