
A quick question about create a Weapons class

Started by May 18, 2018 06:30 AM
4 comments, last by Iltis 6 years, 3 months ago

If you were creating a Weapons class, would you make it properties-based, inheritance-based, or other?

public class Weapon
    Weapon(....) { .... }
    int HP;
    int MP;
    enum WeaponType;
    string name;
    var someProperty;
    // other properties and methods


public class BroadSword : Weapon
     // virtual methods and such here

or something else entirely? I'm not looking for a right or wrong answer. Just a some discussion on different ways to approach and why you would do so.


The first, not the second. Why? Because it's easier to create objects based on data, and to change the properties of objects at runtime.

However there isn't a standard answer that could apply to all Weapon classes in all projects. You might have some weapon types that work completely differently, and which might be better served with different subclasses.


Dont make yourself difficult since you dont know yet,

then what do you wanto do : place the base class in a common folder file ?

All wrong.


Why cant you type 2 classes and have some stuff double at first, maybe once your done you can see wheres the overlap, only its not needed so why would you.

S T O P C R I M E !

Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor

Since its for a weppon, you do need a virtual class, for other stuff : dont make yourself difficult, makes life simpler.

S T O P C R I M E !

Visual Pro 2005 C++ DX9 Cubase VST 3.70 Working on : LevelContainer class & LevelEditor


my opinion (the way i do it) would be to combine both methods, but with emphasis on what @Kylotan said. Data-driven is typically better than using many different functions.

Since this is basically about objects you want to hold in your hand, you could create a parent-class 'HandEquippableObject', that holds Data shared between all such items, including bows, shields, 2handed and 1handed, special items and so on. Said data contains for example weight or slot-usage (for weight-based or slot-based inventory), a mesh, thumbnail, name, description, durability, preferred hand, etc....

This would allow to specify that ONLY such Objects can be held in the hands, and you can cast for them, if you want to (some people do not like run-time casting though).

Derived from the 'HandEquippableObject' is a 'WeaponBaseClass', that adds common data of weapons, like damage, attack speed and DamageType,...

After that either derive different weapon types like bows, swords, and so on, or add an enum to the WeaponBaseClass that the player can switch on, to distinguish different weapons (avoiding a deep hierarchy). It's a choice of preference.


Furthermore I typically only create functions for data-getters (since i wrap each layers data in a struct that'd make only 2 getters by now) and animation/presentation purpose (like playing a swing-sound for a sword, spawning flame-particles, Event to play a breaking animation on durability-loss, ...). The character needs a way to access the data, and the rest is handled by him (calculating actual dmg and attack speed, due to buffs, potions and stuff). One exception are bows, since those need to be drawn, and other 'aimed' weapons, but that's not relevant right now.


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