
Universal Javascript Webkit

Started by April 29, 2018 01:07 PM
3 comments, last by SkyPenguin 6 years, 3 months ago

Is anyone aware of a universal Javascript Webkit?  Ideally one that will run in all, and if not all then most browsers?  Does anyone have any experience using a webkit in conjunction with WebGL?

can you elaborate a bit? what are you trying to do?


@SkyPenguin Hrmm.  Well to be honest, this is going to sound dumb, but I don't even know if the question makes sense.  I was doing some research on day and had come across the term 'webkit' and what it could do and somehow it was linked back to javascript and I was thinking I wanted to learn more about it and that's why I posted the question here.  On another site I use for technical assistance I was told that chrome is in fact a webkit.   So now I'm like 'hun', not sure what to think or, it's been so long, I don't remember exactly why I wanted to learn about webkits in the first place. 

I think I had this idea that I could create my own webkit that I could get a user to deploy on their machine that would act as a javascript interface for the game I'm making.  And this webkit could be deployed in any browser.  I think that's where my thinking was at.  Sound familiar?  Or is this all nonsense?

more or less nonsense. WebKit (notice the caps) is a open source browser engine that forms the backbone of Chrome, Opera, and I believe Safari. 
If you want to run things cross-platform just stick to standards track of HTML5 + any libraries that promise to work on all evergreen browsers.

No need to get fancy.  Cross-browser code isn't anywhere near as hard as it used to be. And webgl is supported everywhere that's important these days.

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