
2D Collider problems

Started by April 21, 2018 04:06 AM
1 comment, last by ethancodes 6 years, 4 months ago

I'm having a weird issue with detecting a collision. I've tried everything I could find online but nothing seems to work. I have a brick object. It has a 2D Collider attached and I have also attached a 2D Rigidbody on it. I also have an EndScreen 2D Collider. The EndScreen 2D collider is tagged with "EndScreen". I am trying to detect when a brick collides with the end screen collider and simply print "game over" in the console. 

This is my current code for this part of the program, it is attached to the bricks:

void OnCollisionEnter (Collision2D collision)
		if (collision.gameObject.tag == "EndScreen") {
			Debug.Log("Game over");

Several things have happened depending on the set up. If I have the rigidbody 2D set as static, my ball object can still collide with the bricks, but I get no Log message. If I set it to Kinematic or Dynamic, I get absolutely no interaction between the ball and the bricks, and nothing when the bricks pass through the collider. I have tried to set the collider to a trigger and use OnTriggerEnter2D, no change. I have tried to put the rigidbody on the EndScreen object and tried to set it's body type to all 3 settings, no change. The only thing I can think of that I have not done is put the script on the EndScreen object and switch the tag to the bricks. The reason I have not done this is because I will have several types of bricks, some of which will have different tags. 


Please tell me somebody can see what I'm doing wrong here, because I'm losing my mind over something I feel should be ridiculously simple. Thanks.

Well..... nevermind. I seem to have got it to work. I'm not entirely sure how. I just started going through the list of stuff I'd already tried and doing it again. And now it works. lol. Must have had something wrong somewhere the first time.

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